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Hemcore shortages

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I was going to use hemcore in my run but am having trouble getting it. I have now found out that they have recently moved their warehouse and my local supplier thinks things should be getting back to normal by beginning of May.


Bit late for my coming chooks so am going to use Aubiose - just thought it might interest some of you trying to get hold of it :D

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Re: aubiose:


I love it! It's very similar to Hemcore .... it's shredded hemp! It's really absorbent and I was told, composts down in about 3 months. I was warned off woodchips, as they take years and years to compost down. Not good for a garden!! :D


I haven't had any trouble getting hold of it. I'm in Dorset though.


Good luck!! :lol:

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I am a big fan of Hemcore but there is nowhere near me that stocks it, so I used to have it delivered.I have now found a local supplier of Aubiose, so am using that instead and, to be honest, they are both excellent. If I could get Hemcore I would use it in preference to Aubiose, simply because it is not as fine as Aubiose and IMHO it smells nicer, but that is the only difference I have found. The girls seem to be happy with either which, of course, is the most important thing!

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