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Hi All


Thanks for your replies to an earlier posting, everyone has made me feel really welcome.


I've decided to get our chickens from Merrydale in Leicester as I've heard such good reports about them.


Can anyone out there tell me if NedzBedz is the same as Hemcore? I still can't decide what to give my girls as nesting material. Hemcore has been reccomended but I'm having trouble sourcing it locally.




Lisa :oops:


(green eglu) but no GNRGNR as yet :(

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Hi Katy


Thanks for that! Can't think why I didn't to look on the internet myself. It must be something to do with being 'hen-less' at the mo.


We know that the bit of the garden where the girls will be kept will soon get scratched to bits. We were wondering if its ok to put woodchippings down, bought from a garden centre, when this happens to keep the area relatively smart.


Lisa :oops:


(green eglu) but no GNRGNR as yet!

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Hi Katy (again!) :lol:


You are such a mine of information! I feel quite un-clever, but it is late! Thanks for the link have just read through it and it seems the ideal solution.


May pick your brains abit more tomorrow.




Lisa :oops:


(green eglu) but no GNRGNR as yet! :(

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I'm using NedzBedz at the moment because our local supplier didn't have any Hemcore.


I much prefer Hemcore as its less dusty ie it doesn't make me sneeze. The chooks don't seem to be bothered either way.


I'm not sure it's quite as absorbent as Hemcore but it does the job and it is slightly cheaper.


It is compostable and does all the things the other products do - and has built in insect repellent.

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Hi All


Thanks again for your replies!


I've looked into both NedzBedz and Aubiose and it seems that the latter is almost impossible for me to source Aubiose locally, people just keep telling me to use Woodshavings which I really don't fancy as they won't compost as quickly.


Oh and by the way I live in Staffordshire if anyone knows anywhere that sells Aubiose. Maybe I just haven't tried hard enough yet!


Mmmmm am now on a mission to sort this out!


Lisa :oops:


(green eglu) no GNRGNR as yet :cry: but watch this space, Merrydale here we come....! (Next weekend if you've got lots to choose from!) :lol:

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Hi, I ended up getting Megazorb, because that's what they had in the shop. I really wish I'd tried harder and got Aubiose or Hemcore on the internet or something, because everyone recommends it on here.

Saying that I haven't given the Megazorb a fair trial. I've only had it a down a week, and it hasn't even rained this week. (I've covered the run in corrugated plastic using bungee cords)

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I currently have Jopack, which is very similar to auboise - basically what you are looking for is a hemp or flax based horse bedding product - our local horsey shop does about 3 different ones hemcore and auboise are brand names for 2 of the many available.


You might find asking for hemp or flax based horse bedding is easier locally than specifying a particular branded product which they may not stock. In our local horse shop they recommended the one that most people but for chickens.


Just see what you can get and try it out.



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Hi Tracy


Thanks for that!


I think my partner and I are getting to the point of just wanting to get some chooks and see the eglu busy. We seem to have done so much reading and researching that we're going round in circles trying to make up our minds what to do and when.



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I think my partner and I are getting to the point of just wanting to get some chooks and see the eglu busy. We seem to have done so much reading and researching that we're going round in circles trying to make up our minds what to do and when.


Research is good. I had my chooks on order from Omlet and at the time there was a 4 week waiting list and I just spent every evening during that time reading this forum. It was so informative.


What to do and when??? would say go for it as soon as. It got mine in April ast year and it meant I had light evenings to watch the chooks out at play and it is easier to get into the routine of cleaning them out and moving the eglu when the weather is nice (rather than the dismal drizzly winter months).

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