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Guest Penguinmad

Notifications - is it just me?

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All my notifications have just stopped - they aren't going to junk they aren't coming at all! I just checked my profile and they are still switched on, it still says notify under each message but I'm not getting any.


Is it just me or is this happening to all of us??

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Nope still not a sign of a notification - turned them off and on again in my profile - box is ticked at the bottom of this screen.


I've never had a PM pop up until I was at Center Parcs - on my browser they get blocked by all the pop up blockers on theirs they didn't (OMG it was THE WORST system I've ever used - made me wish I had only paid for 10 mins!)

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cant send pm's. they just wont go; so sorry to the people waiting, I'm trying to reply other ways.


Freddie, are the PMs you've sent still in your outbox? If so, it just means that the person you're sending them to hasn't picked them up yet. If they log in and collect the PM, it will move to your sentbox.

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I've been getting PMs popups ok :? . You got my PMs though Egluntine - do you just have to keep checking the "you have no new messages"?


Yep. The messages come through all right....but not the little box...although sometimes it used to be a nuisance...."popping up" (I know....that is its job :roll:) every five minutes.

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