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Is it the same hen?

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Edwina (Pepperpot) is the first of my four to lay - and laid her first egg last Saturday and everyday since. Yesterday she had a day off, but this morning there was an egg in the nest about 6.30am (which is MUCH earlier than normal - its usually 11.30).


It is a slightly darker brown colour and a bit bigger than the other ones I have collected. Is it likely it isn't hers? Kay (Gingernut) was behaving oddly yesterday, sitting up on the roosting bars and flinging straw around and standing oddly with her vent sort of opening and closing - although nothing was in the nest at all yesterday. Could it be her first one? Does each individual hen produce the SAME colour/shade everytime?


I guess I'll know if there is a second egg today :?:

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Hi max


My Bluebelle's eggs are different colours on different days. They are always a creamy brown, but the depth of colour changes, sometimes there's a bloom, sometimes there is speckles.


My Buff Sussex always lays the same perfect brown egg, no variation in colour, sometimes a slight variation in shape.


My Naked Neck always lays the same colour of creamy brown egg, slightly different shapes sometimes, but always the same colour.


So that is completely inconclusive really.

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There's been a bit of discussion on another thread about egg colour and the concensus seems to be that Gingernut eggs tend to be darker brown than Pepperpot eggs. That is certainly true in the case of ours and we've also found that our Pepperpot lays slightly larger eggs than our Gingernut, but that could be because she is slightly older.


Having said that, plenty of people report large variations in colour, size and shape from the same hen, so who knows? Perhaps you'll need to keep up the detective work!


The odd behaviour and straw flinging is a good sign and it's funny that you mention the laying time being earlier. Our Gingernut has been laying a few hours earlier than our Pepperpot. So maybe it was Kay.

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Well! It wasn't Kay at all - but Caroline! Kay is still huffing and puffing about in the roosting area during the day time, but it was definately Caroline the other Pepperpot who owned the SECOND egg. I can only presume that the first egg at 6.30am (and still warm) was Edwina's.


My FIRST two egg day!

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