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Silkie Bantam can't see properly due to silly hairstyle?

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Our white silkie bantam, Pootle, really is a bit of a dopey chicken bless her. Today I saw her try an experimental flight whilst freeranging and she crashed straight into a gazebo as she landed - I'm convinced she didn't see it.

She can see grains of corn fine when pecking, but her long distance vision doesn't seem great.


It manifests in other ways too, but I don't know if that's bad eyesight or a pecking order issue. For example, if we walk out with a treats tray the other chickens will spot us immediately and come running, but she'll only follow them when she's left there on her own, she doesn't run to us.


This is probably a stupid thought, but is there any chance her hair is obscuring her vision? My wife wants to give her fringe a trim to find out!

Our other silkie has similar hair, but not as long, and has no problems at all.



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Actually, that's a never-before-seen exclusive pic - the previous one was this:




I find it hard to believe she's got much perpipheral vision with that amount of fluff!

Hopefully she will be better off once she gets used to free-ranging, I think she's still a bit nervous.


We're semi-serious about trimming her fringe though, providing we feel we can do it safely...



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She is very sweet.

But her hair is nothing compared to my 2 Polands,Indiana & Floss, who are forever crashing into things & missing all the best treats :roll::lol:

We do have to trim them quite often as their hair gets really manky after a while :roll:


This is Indiana,looking as ridiculous as usual :lol:




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