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Aubiose v Hemcore

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I posted on a thread the other day (sorry can't find which one) that I had bought Aubiose this time as my horsey supplier was out of Hemcore, which I usually used. Someone asked me to post a comparison, once I'd tried the Aubiose.


I have to say that, on balance, I think I do prefer the Aubiose. It doesn't have the nice Citronella smell that Hemcore has, but it is so much easier to use and the finer pieces are easier to spread about (and, I assume, will be easier to rake up again). I also expect that it will compost down quicker too.


Sorry Hemcore, it's Aubiose too for me from now on, even if that does contravene my Buy-British-when-possible policy! I have problems with my wrists and the Hemcore was proving difficult for me to deal with. Having said that, Hemcore was definitely loads better than using wood chips.


Aubiose wins! :lol:

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