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Bad News Involving Mr Fox!

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I Got Home From School The Other Day, Where My Dad Said He Had Some Bad News. He Was Going to feed the ducks Last night, but when i distracted him about the eggs he put No Food In, Leaving the shed door Open Then Totally Forgetting!

Four Of Our Ducks Were Found Whilst 3 Have Probably Been Dragged Away And Eaten. I Feel Guilty Now, I Distracted My Dad.

As I Only Have 2 Real Life Friends On Here They Will Know I'm A Mad Doctor Who Geek. Literally, And All Seven Ducks Were Named After Doctor Who Characters. We Had 2 Silver Appleyards, The Doctor And Captain Jack.

Two Brown Ducks, Rose & Martha Them 3 White Ducks, The Master, Donna And Sarah Jane Smith.

Telling My Niece Was Worst, We Said Mr Fox Came And Took Them To Another Farm House. [My Niece Lives With Us Since My Sister Died Btw]

I Know Its Not An Exactly Amazing Topic But I Needed To Tell Some People Because I Tried Telling People And School And Burst Out Crying! :cry: Stupid I Know...

Thankyou x


- Amy

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I'm so sorry Hunni, it's awfull to lose any pet :(

Don't feel bad about crying.

Look, last year we hatched a couple of ducklings, sadly one died when it was only about a week old.

I felt so bad for the other one being on it's own, I took it to bed with me so it wouldn't be lonely, I put it in a box with some netting over the top and actually had it in the bed under the duvet :roll:

Well next morning it was happily running around, I forgot it would follow me wherever I went.

I accidently stepped on it :oops:

Oh my lord!! Did I feel bad :cry:

I cried, my fifteen year old daughter cried, I didn't go to work and my daughter stayed home from school, we just both stayed home all day blubbing :cry: .

I felt very very guilty :(

But it was an accident, just like what happened with your duck was an accident.

You will feel better about it all soon, and if you need to cry you go ahead, it shows you have heart :)

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