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Hi James


I've been tring to upload an avatar; but I can't get one accepted. the file is less than 12K and is 79 x 79 pixels. However I get a message saying 'filetype must be jpg, gif or png at the top of my details - and I've tried all three of those filetypes.


I must be doing something very wrong - any suggestions?



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Hi James


Dunno if this'll help you track it down... but although I'm getting the same thing on trying to upload an image and I couldn't get the 2nd option, "Upload Avatar from a URL" working either, the 3rd option, ie linking to an off-site image, seems to work ok. (May be something to do with write permission of incoming files? But I'm just guessing, so please don't hold me to that! :-))


Richard - so if you can upload your avatar elsewhere, I've stuck one on my website for now, you can get it working.



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  • Omlet Staff



The words below the image are rankings, which relate to the number of posts that you have written - it goes:


0 Freshly Laid Egg

+ 10 Frenquent Layer

+ 50 Chicken Eggspert

+ 100 All Knowing Superhen


I wonder who will get to the All Knowing Superhen first?



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Aren't all these Avatars great. I hadn't come across Babs&Ginger's before - what a cracker, Nicola!


I wonder how many other pictures will appear. It's great because you can tell who the message is from by the Avatar instead of the signature now!


Well done James for letting us have a little fun on the forum!

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Hi Kate the file size was bigger than 12k on this animation but it worked any way I admit I did have to get my husband to help me I am not very computer literate just getting the hang of it, noticed you are nearly up to 100 postings think you will win I am trying to get to the next stage of the ratings as you can see. Putting lots of emoticons doesn't count. :twisted::twisted:

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