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Mrs Frugal


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Sorry to come across as a real kiljoy again but please could we ask forum members not to post using text speak as it's really hard to work out what's been said half the time. It doesn't take much longer to write what you're wanting to say in proper English and means that your post is likely to actually be read and not just overlooked as no one can be bothered to try and decipher it :wink: .


It's also extremely bad netiquette to write messages using entirely capital letters as this is the equivalent of shouting :shock: .


It really doesn't take any time at all to write "you" instead of "u" or to check that your caps lock button is switched off and you'll make the majority of forum members much happier if you do as they'll be reading your posts instead of ignoring them.


Thanks everyone :D .

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I don't use text speak even in texts, which my friends all mock me for!


What I really hate is when the text speak is actually longer than the word you're shortening, a fried got a text from someone and instead of writing any they'd put ene!!



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i am one of the bad ones :lol: , but were i live, maybe not all of us up north, but it is greatly used like that. yes is a grt language if correctly used.

but sometimes i have 5 mins without a child round me asking for something and need to write it quickly.

so im sorry but will try,

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omg y do we av 2 stp usin txt spk? :wink:


Just kidding, I completely agree though!! :lol: And while your at it, can you please put a ban "online" speak as well??


I had no idea what OH, DS, LMAO etc. Until I spent an afternoon looking them all up online - and I work in IT (sorry information technology)!! :oops::lol:

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I had no idea what OH, DS, LMAO etc. Until I spent an afternoon looking them all up online - and I work in IT (sorry information technology)!! :oops::lol:


Oh dear :oops: . Now I started the LSH one ages ago as Long Suffering Husband takes sooo long to type :wink: . Could we leave that one in please :lol: ?

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Some less tolerant forums will withdraw your posting priviledges for not using punctuation and grammar, ....


they can't have many members then :D


I was reading my dad's 'diary' in the hospital, and while some of my punctuation may not be up to scratch, I hope my grammar is. Some of the grammar in the diary (which is written by the ICU nurses, highly trained people!) was quite surprising.


"you was brought to ICU...." "while your wife and daughter was here..." and that's just 2 examples that I can remember, there were a lot more :roll:


personally, I have nothing against text speak, although I find it hard to decipher sometimes. If language didn't grow and evolve, we'd still be speaking like Shakespeare forsooth, or even worse, Chaucer!!!!!

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and means that your post is likely to actually be read and not just overlooked as no one can be bothered to try and decipher it


I'm so glad you said that. I have trouble with some posts and I admit I get frustrated and have often just clicked straight out of them as I cannot make head nor tail of what's being asked or commented on. My apologies to anyones post that I've clicked past - I think I need an O level in text speak (or perhaps become a code breaker.....)

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