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Ive got some sad news

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does anyone please no wat may have caused her death, she was very quiet but that was bev and she had blood from her bum when i found her xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :cry: miss yu xx


Dear Esta,


Our hearts go out to you. There is a sad economic fact that I realised when my first hamster (Minnie) died from a similar cause: replacements are cheap and there's no profit to be made from ops and meds, much less investigations.


We just have to do the best that we can. And honour them with our tears.



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Really sorry to hear that. It could have been one of several things, to be honest you will probably never know. It's unlikely to have been anything 'catching', and as Abbey Road says, it's not economic to have investigations. It's one of those things you have to write off to experience.

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Could it have been a prolapse? I disagree about investiagtions, obviously its not "economical" to spend any money on treatment for your chicken, but mine are my pets and whilst they certainly don't benefit me economically, they do emotionally!! We had a post mortam done when Ruby died (£30 btw), as it was so sudden, and it just put our mind at rest that it wasn't anything contagious and we learnt from the cause her death for future hens - so I think it was worth it. Equally we paid £80 for Daphne's op when she was crop bound, some people thought we were mad - but I personlly couldn't let her suffer, or not have her around. I would rather sacrifice something else. But I spose if you really done't have the money its different. Anyway, think I've gone off on a tangent !!!

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