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Abbey Road Girl

they're so SOFT!

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Because of the rain and my makeshift run cover which made it impossible to slide back the roof of the Cube, I have had to be content to get my chooks to take food from my hand as the only means of contact (mano-a-beak).


Today I finallly was able to fit a proper shower curtain that was almost clear and remove the weird combo of lino, wood planks, terra cotta tile off-cuts, a big John Lewis bag and anchoring bricks that had hitherto protected the run.


Tonight was the first time I was able to slide back the Cube roof and stroke the hens. Wow! I thought my lovely little hamster Pepper (named a year before the Pepperpots) was soft (and he is!) but what a lovely surprise to find that the girls are also so soft and silky.


I have never understood why people spend money to stroke the fur (or wear the feathers) of dead animals (and birds), when they can (for much less money) appreciate the fur and feathers of pets.


Am going to go downstairs and watch House before this gets kinky. :oops:

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