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bark or wood chippings?

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We have had our three lovely girls for 3 weeks now, they are fab! :D They are on the grass at the moment, but when we go on holiday in May we want to keep them of it. Are wood chipping better than bark chippings as they break down slower? Chunky chippings? We have found a supplier of Leylandi chippings which has quite a lot of twigs and evergreen bits in it. Would this be interesting for the chooks or not very healthy? Opinions would be very welcome! Thanks, we love the forum. Yvonne.

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I am glad you are enjoying your hens!


Wood chips are better than bark as bark may carry a mould spore which may be harmful to the hens.

BUT - even better still is either Aubiose or Hemcore.

There are a naturally derived horse bedding which are ligt,compost beautifully & highly absorbant.They are also perfect in the poo tray & nest box :D

Many of us who have tried it now wouldn't use anything else - my hens have a big walk in pen (piccy below,more in my Gallery) with an Aubiose floor which they live in 24/7


Most Equinne suppliers stock it.Its about £7-8 a bale & goes a very long way.


Hope this help.

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I only have Easibed available near me and I started using it last week. I am amazed that it is so light and absorbant that I don't need to clean out today as it's still really fresh. I rake the dreid poo out each day for a friend's garden and there's still loads left. I would definately go down the aubiose/hemcore/Easibed route.


I had my chooks on wood chips and what a nightmare. They are filthy now and expensive to replace. It cost me £45 for wood chips and they haven't lasted very long.

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I have my girls on wood chips and can't complain yet. The price seems ok to me, since I buy one bale at B&Q for £5 and think it should last about 6 weeks till it needs cleaning. Had it for 2 and looks good.

I think I would try hemcore, but that would have to be delivered (additional costs)and I would have to store it (shed is rather full now).

Like this, I just drive for one bale of wood chips and use all at one go when need it.

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I have my girls on wood chips and can't complain yet. The price seems ok to me, since I buy one bale at B&Q for £5 and think it should last about 6 weeks till it needs cleaning. Had it for 2 and looks good.

I think I would try hemcore, but that would have to be delivered (additional costs)and I would have to store it (shed is rather full now).

Like this, I just drive for one bale of wood chips and use all at one go when need it.


It took 9 bags to fill the run my chooks have!! :roll:

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Mine are on bark at the moment. Would I be able to use hemcore/aubiose in a run that doesn't have a roof? I should have thought all that lovely absorbentness (surely that isn't a proper word) would just absorb rain?


It would absorb the rain I'm afraid. That it its only drawback.


Could you rig up something like perspex sheeting or a tarpaulin to cover it? Just a thought. :lol:

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