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Introducing the Hip Hop Chickens!

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Ok so I've already posted today and there's pictures of my new arrivals on that thread also loads more on my flickr site http://www.flickr.com/photos/pbfhpunk/


But I felt that their names needed a whole thread of it's own!


Basically I was sat at work a few months ago and just had a wicked naming idea, my husband and I love music and he's really into old school hip hop and I quite like it to, so thought how cool would the hip hop chickens be, we had names already thought og for ages but now since meeting them a few of the names have changed but we have


So we have HenWA (Hens with Attitude)

Compton - Bluebelle - Named after the song Straight outta Compton so on the egg boxes we can put....straight out of Compton!

Run - Speckledy - This is the little tartlet that has a crush on my Husband, she'd named after Rev Run from RunDMC as she was the most curious of all and checked out the food, the grub the grit and ahem my husband before the other's so who's house is it? Run's House!

Sovereign - Black Rock - this one is a very vocal little madam, and a tad chav as she would've had an ASBO in the first 5 minutes if we'd been able to give her one, she's named afer Lady Sovereign not old school but a very chavvyesque hip hop artist

DJ - Rhode Island Red - Every good hip hop group has got to have a DJ and as all she did today was scratch in the earth she is our's!

Egg Lover - Speckledy - named after Ed Lover who hosted Yo MTV raps!

and of course the most famous white rapper ever...

Eggenem - Bluebelle - How could we not have had this name!!


So there you go my Hip Hop Chickens!



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But I felt that their names needed a whole thread of it's own!.................So there you go my Hip Hop Chickens!


:oops: You've completely lost me on the names thing....but then I suppose for someone who harks back to music of the 80s that's not unexpected..... :lol:


Great pictures. Very posh railway sleepers around the egde....lovely idea.

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I pretty much am a music child of the 80s myself but I think naming them after Adam and his Ants wouldn't have worked!!


Run, Compton and Egglover hark back to the 80's


Oh yeah and the sleepers cost £2 each!! there was me thinking that with all the garden design shows they'd be more like £20-£30 but apparantly the more expensive ones aren't original just nice bits of wood sold to Yuppies!! not my words!



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So glad you finally got your ladies and I suspect your names are unique and not to be found anywhere else on this forum :D


I'm a bit boring - I called mine after family members and a couple of dancers. It would be interesting to do a poll to find out the ten most popular chicken names.


Enjoy your girls.

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