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What was all that about?

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Every morning our speckledy Pecky goes in the nestbox for about 20 mins and does nothing and then comes out again. The last couple of times she's come out of there really bok boking and clucking as though she's telling us she's laid an egg when she hasn't. I have noticed she's also been eating more and the other day she crouched for the first time. So I wonder if there's going to be an egg soon. (she's only laid twice since we had her and that's about 8 weeks)

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Hi, Cluckbok


Well our lovely BlueBelle does this too, she's soo sweet . .in she goes .. .stays in there for what seems like eternity .. comes out & lets the whole world know she's laid an egg - the other chooks stop their foraging look at her, i stop what i'm doing - hubby legs round to the nesting box all smiles . .. & Cordelia waddles off, head up & proud still bok boking, tail up in the air in a hurry to join her fellow foragers. Hmmm but she's such a tease . .. there's nothing there!!!! we're now getting used ot her antics & don't fall for it naymore!

As what she does is when the other girlies start laying - Cordelia goes in the roosting bit to have a look at whichever girlie is laying, ( she can hear the bok bok BOK ) she then paces a bit, then eventually goes in & lays between or after the others.


Maybe yours may do something similar - ie go in & have a look at how its meant to be done, maybe she's heard the others lay & bok bok BOK & thinks well i can do that!!! .. except she hasnt done the egg bit yet regularly !



Hope its soon for Dear Pecky :)


Does she like being tickled when she crouches, all ours love to crouch & maybe that encourages egg production .. but i am not sure just saying thats what our enjoy & seem to lay subsequently.


Ms Tilyhad5morelovelyeggstodaystillsoexcited

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Hi ya,


When the others lay they don't bok bok at all, no announcement, nothing! Which I suppose is quite handy cause they nice and quiet just gentle clucking. It's just Pecky that's been a bit noisy and when I go out there she stops doing it! Quite funny. Hopefully she'll settle down once she comes into lay regularly. She sounds just like one of those fairground machines where you put your penny in and get the plastic egg out with the toy in!! The others have to cross their legs while Pecky's in their messing about!

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