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Buff Orpington


apparently the Buff Orpington was introduced in 1894 to satisfy the demand for buff coloured birds. The new variety was achieved by crossing gold spangled Hamburg cocks with dark and red Dorking hens and then mating the offspring pullets with Buff Cochin cocks. they are a large breed and lay brown eggs




I read somewhere (think it might have been Wernlas) that people come with all sorts of 'shopping lists' of birds but 9 out of 10 leave with a Buff Orpington.


here is a Barnevelder, they look like a 'proper' hen as my mum would say :)

and I 'm sure someone on the forum has some ,they are Dutch and lay dark brown eggs


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Buttercup Chicken :?


A small, spritely breed from Sicily, their chief distinguishing feature is their cup-shaped comb. Buttercups are nonbroody, lay a fair number of small eggs, and are kept strictly as ornamental fowl.


Can anybody provide a pic for the technophobe among us :lol:

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Buttercup Chicken :?


A small, spritely breed from Sicily, their chief distinguishing feature is their cup-shaped comb. Buttercups are nonbroody, lay a fair number of small eggs, and are kept strictly as ornamental fowl.


Can anybody provide a pic for the technophobe among us :lol:




there you go Louise

think we'll just have take their word for it that the comb is buttercup shaped though :)

oh but just found this




which actually does look a bit buttercup like I suppose ,although have to say I prefer my buttercups yellow :!::!:

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Loyal (if disgraced) Underling has been briefed to get the ball rolling with C (since it's the only one to which I can contribute :) ) How's that for organisation. (Guess who does the children's parties)


So here's our Cream Legbar




Now play nicely....

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Loyal (if disgraced) Underling has been briefed to get the ball rolling with C (since it's the only one to which I can contribute :) ) How's that for organisation. (Guess who does the children's parties)


So here's our Cream Legbar




Now play nicely....

..........with the special stork-like talent for standing on one leg!!!!! :D

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You play too many games!




Keeps us all young, open-minded and entertained with our darling children. Ask your parents!! :wink:


well said Helen , so are you going to join us :wink: Much safer than Louise's google game :roll::roll:

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Can I join in?

I've fancied a Crevecoeur ever since I saw a photo of one in a chicken book I own, but only because I think it's a very pretty bird. French in origin, from the Normandy region, and it falls into the category of crested and bearded fowl. Apparently they can be black, white or blue, but I've only seen pics of a blue one. Lays white eggs :D

Sorry, Mrs technophobe is ducking out of the photo searching bit though.... it's pretty much my bed-time now :roll: .

Night all :D

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