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for those who like johnny Depp

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Went to a fancy dress party a few weeks ago (theme was "pirates of the carabbean (spelling).


anyway.. My Si went as "captain jack sparrow" :)


how good does he look (phor)





This is him when he is not dressed up :)





*considers throwing a pirate party every day*[/img]

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Wow Kaz, that is some transformation! Well done! My daughters love Johnny Depp, especially in his Jack Sparrow alter ego. I think he was lovely in Chocolat as well.


You'll be able to hold another Pirates party soon to celebrate the new Pirates of the Caribbean film (is it next month?) :P

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Great transformation & excellent use of eyeliner 8)


I saw The da Vinci Code last week,& the trailer for the new Pirates film was on before. It looks great,& Johnny looks as divine as ever.


The trailer for the new Bond movie was on too.

Daniel Craig is also gorgeous,although a lot of my friends can't see it :roll: He hs the best chest in the business :wink:


I was in quite a tizzy by the time the movie came on.

Maybe thats why I enjoyed it so much.I shouldn't have according to the critics :lol:

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