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Im could kill them!! i cant believe...

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they've trashed my veggie patch,5 potato plans (almost ready to pick), 2 broad bean plants, 3 spinich plants and 2 cabbage plants and a courgette plant!



grrrrr! I could just ****************************!!!






they've never got n there before!!!!!! its netted up to under my arm!! :shock:

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I can sense your frustration but sometimes I think you have to choose between having chooks or enjoying a lovely veg garden!!


Or get that netting to up over your head!! :?



frustrations an understatement, it was my 2nd attempt at the veggie gargen (raised beds as well) and it was doing soooooooooo well I was quiet proud of in! now it looks like an elephant got in and stomped all oevr it.

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I can sense your frustration but sometimes I think you have to choose between having chooks or enjoying a lovely veg garden!!


Or get that netting to up over your head!! :?


We've got both because my clever hubbie built a home made fence out of old pallets, to fence off our veg area. They still try and get to it by sticking their heads thru the gaps but they can't get in there :D


I'm afraid netting is no challenge to a chicken :lol:

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My hubbie was the same last year. Veg patch nicely behind fruit netting about 4 foot and they constantly got in, under, around it until he had just about had enough. He insisted the chooks had their own area of garden.


My lot no longer have the run of the whole garden but they don't do too badly in their own area of lawn, behind Omlet netting and so far (touch wood) they've not made it over to the veg patch.

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I think that there's a blues song that says "if the whisky doesn't get you, then the wimmen will"...


My hens demolished the garden (weeds, actually), but the slugs have finished off the rest (cherished veg seedlings).


At least chickens lay eggs in return. Slugs and snail? No return that I've noticed. :roll:

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Oh No - I've spent ages in the garden this summer trying to grow all my fruit and veg, my girls arrive in August and I get the impression it will all have been a waste of time. :wall::wall: Will have to get going on building some fences if anything is to survive - no longer will I have free range veggies - but as long as I have happy chickens that's the main thing :wink:


Still so excited - we have just cleared and boxed a nice section of the garden to wood chip ready for Margot, Barbara and Penelope - I do hope they like it.

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They have eaten all my chives again! I would love a patch of chives with flowers on it! I've got some netting up, between them and the cat they have broken it and the hens just stroll through it when they feel like! I've just bought a new lot today. A stronger one.

I watch them most of the time they are out, I put them over the fence a few times, then I distract them to the opposite end of the garden with some corn, and if they still persevere they go back in the Eglu run!

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Within days of my GNR arriving, they had trashed my tomato plants, THROUGH the netting :twisted:


So this year we have a lovely veg patch (at the mo) - with 6ft high fencing preserving it.


Just hope the bunnies don't learn to fly as their fence is only 3ft high, they are eyeing up the sprout and cabbage leaves. :lol:

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If you have raised beds, it is worth making a raised lid for them. WE have lids that are about 10 inches high made from 1" wood and covered with enviromesh. We have done this to protect them from both chooks and cats.


We grow most of our salad crops in the front garden and have tall chicken wire in front of our climbing french beans in the back

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