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What Price Will My Girls Be?

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I am now at the *serious end* of chook hunting and have seen the

advert in Farm Week for a local person who has various breeds



This has helped me focus on my search for particular breeds and am now

ready to make genuine enquiries for the actual birds. I have a few

questions for y'all.


I have 6 breeds I am interested in. I could go for one of each but may

start with only 4 birds. They are:




Rhode Island Red,


Welsummer and



The first two are *possibles* (due to me not being able to commit to a definite amount of free ranging immediately) and the last four are *definite* wants.


Does anyone have any indication of how much each of these would be? I have no idea yet on cost as it doesn't mention that in the paper and the number is for *after 6pm only*!


Do you have any advice as to which breeds would mix better?


Advice always gratefully appreciated!



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i have just bought 4 barnevelder chicks at 8 weeks old. they were £7 each and at pol they would be around £15. same goes for the rhode island reds.

there may be a difference in price regionally but i would guess for those two breeds between £10-15 each. I dont know about the others im afraid but im sure someone with more experience will share it with you soon.

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Hybrids are generally cheaper than the Pure Breeds.


My 2 Speckledys were £10.50 recently and approx 17 weeks old.


Last year the Pure breeds were £20.00 each for about the same age.


It's good to have a mix because then you will get eggs through the winter with the Hybrids, where as the Pure breeds will tend to have a break.


Then there is the egg shell colour to think about... :think::wink::wink:


It looks like you have a good mix of hens there - what about a blue egg layer though? :wink:

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As a general rule, if you are buying from a small scale breeder, expect to pay £1 for each week of the bird's age. If you are going to a big poultry centre, it normally costs in the region of £25-£30 for a fully vaccinated, pure-breed POL bird.


Bear in mind that with pure breeds you are unlikely to get many eggs at all between oct/nov-march.

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Hi Susan, it does seem to vary a lot. One breeder I know of does amber stars, bluebells and loads of others from £4.50 at POL. However, from elsewhere our cream legbar was £15 and our Barnevelder/Orpi cross £10. Both were already laying.


Have fun choosing and go for 6 at first as you WILL DEFINATELY want more :)


We're wondering about two more again:oops:

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This is great! Thanks for all the info! I can't wait to make the phone call to this local guy - but he is only available after 6pm and for the past while we have been heading out at that time to visit MIL in hospital.


There is a BIG difference between 6 x £5 and 6 x £20 though and my pocket may end up dictating my breeds :(

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