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chicken cam...

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can someone, who doesn't use Firefox or Internet Explorer, please test the camera page.

I've changed it to 1 second Javascript refresh, instead of the live stream, to save on bandwidth

if it works please let me know what browser you're using, other than the above



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Now it cannot find the server :?


Sorry Paola, just moved it onto a new server so my web host doesn't kick me off for hogging bandwidth


this page is now just a frameset...



which loads, by hiding inside the frames, this page...



just trying to get the best image and running smoothly :?

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I can finally see yours! Im an r-com :D

Great idea, I was thinking about doing it for my incubator but the main computer which I would use, doesn't have an internet connection. I might look into doing it some other way.

Can you use your laptop for other things aswell as the chickcam at the same time?

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Can you use your laptop for other things aswell as the chickcam at the same time?


I could, but it's a spare so can be left in the playroom


the only restrictions would be that I would have to either move the incubator up stairs or sit in the playroom to use the laptop, as it's a USB camera on a 1.5m lead.


would like to try a wireless camera for the chicken run but they're too expensive, or those I've found are.


good luck...

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have moved the cam to the new chick but thought I'd post a pick of the others in the nursery Arc...




the larger of the 2 is the Cream Legbar, other is a Barred Plymouth Rocks


they hatched 2 days apart but weight wise they're 7 days apart, as in the Plymouth now weighs what the Legbar did 7 days ago

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