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chicken cam...

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as we're trying to hatch Cream Legbars thought I'd mess around with a webcam so the (minded) kids can watch from home

have set it up to stream continuously, max 4 connections, until they hatch (fingers crossed) then I might put it in the brooder, which should be more interesting to watch


can you kind soles test it for me... if you can't connect it's probably because the "max connections2 has been reached...




let me know what the quality and frame rate are like

you can change them by placing your mouse pointer over the image to show the menu


thanks :D

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thanks all...


does the time at the bottom of the image run on time, as in does it seem to keep time in real time ?


I know it's not very exciting to watch at the moment but when they hatch and are put in the brooder for a few weeks it should be way more interesting :D

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Even I can see it and I usually can't get through to this sort of stuff. :roll:

Mid August seems ages away but time will fly.


Weve got chickens and quails due 30th July and Im dreading being away this weekend. Fun starts Sundat evening when we stop the turning cradle and up the humidity. :D

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just to be a bit technical and nerdie...

the web page and image you see are actually on my laptop, not on the internet as such (although technically they are), so you're taking the image directly from me and eating up my bandwidth...


UKOnline, my ISP, wil probably have something to say about it no doubt :?


the software I'm using is so simple to use and FREE, you can even set it up with a password if you wanted to restrict access to parents/family/friends etc. only

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Can't see it. :cry:


sorry Ubereglu, windows decided to install an update and reboot so I've disabled autoupdates for now


I was wondering how you got that set up, personally I would buy some web-space and set up a FTP . Image won't be smooth, but you get to have loads of people watching at the same time....


if I lower the frame rate and quality slightly I could allow 20 or more connections... might try that later just to see how slow my connection gets

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I can see it !! Clear as a bell and it's a great idea. I'm hooked !!


I think the "brooder cam" will be way more interesting... that will be weeks of (hopefully) at least 2 chicks doing their stuff until they're big enough to survive in the great outdoors


fingers crossed :D

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I can't see it either :(

What is the software called?


it's called Yawcam and you should be able to view it with any web browser


if the direct link or streaming page doesn't work you can get a still image and keep reloading it at...


candled one of the eggs Sussex is sitting on and it looks very promising, plenty of blood vessels and large air pocket :pray:

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