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chicken spectecles and beak bits are illegal? true false?

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I got bumper bits from a Wernlas (recommended to me on a previous post) who are a rare breeds and conservation group so I assume there is no problem. It's either the bits or pecking each other til they bleed - I know what I'd prefer! Never heard of spectacles though!



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Bumpa bits are very mainstream. I once accidentally ordered too many and had umpteen requests for them on the forum. :D


Chicken spectacles are a bit different, although as a reputable dealer such as Ascott sell them, I doubt that they are illegal.




It is hard to tell whether the pin fits through the beak or through the nostrils. :?


They cause the hen to be able only to see peripherally, and so their pecking habits are halted.


Seems a tad harsh.

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