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First egg worries

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Hi All,


I'm looking for a bit of reassurance - I've had Aggie and Winnie for about 3 weeks now, Winnie is showing all the signs of being ready to lay (red comb, crouching etc). Tonight when I emptied the droppings tray there was an egg in the bottom, with a perfect yolk and white, but not inside its shell. The shell was paper thin and next to it. I have read about hens laying "softies" but Winnie does not appear to have been ill or anything - is this a normal for a first attempt at an egg, or do I need to feed more calcium? They have been eating the Omlet layers pellets since day one, with a few hours free ranging in the afternoon.


Help! Worried mum,




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the waiting is tough, isn't it? :? My Ruby laid a softie when she first started laying and then nothing for nearly 2 weeks! and Custard had worms and then laid 2 softies as she recovered followed by nothing for a couple of days...but now they lay beauties every day - it will happen and it's worth the wait when it does! :D

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It's great isn't it - I always said my chooks would be just pets and the eggs were not important....but I am still thrilled. When I found the egg, I found myself saying "Well done Winnie! Well Done!" the neighbours must think I'm completely mad!


Hope you get another egg tomorrow - I bet it takes them a while to get into the swing of things. :)

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Hello all,


Sorry to ask further silly questions, but since laying her first egg yesterday, Winne has not been her usual self - although she's eating, she's spending a lot of time just standing around looking sorry for herself. I noticed yesterday her poos were clear and white. Is this normal do you think? has she worn herself out with her first egg, or do you think there is another softie on the way? I can't believe how attached I've become to my chooks, and I hate to see her all mopey.





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Josephine if she's eating and drinking just keep an eye on her.


It could very well be another softie on the way. They can look hunched and under the weather until it has been laid. But if not this, keeping a close eye on her will give you other clues as to what it might be.


Take a look at this.


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Thanks HenWatch, latest report from OH at HQ is that she's scratching around in the run and looking for bugs, so I'm guessing she's not feeling too bad - I will check up on her when I get home though as mums always know best :) With any luck there'll be an agg waiting for me when I get home - hopefully complete with shell!




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