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Sorry to keep asking stupid questions

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having just seen a post about cockrels being found on battery rescues I am now thinking that my idea of what happens at a bettery farm is wrong, i thought each hen had there own incredibly small cage, are many in together, is it actually worse than I really thought.

I shouldn't be researching this I am finding it so distressing.

It's just that I love hooks so much and I can't believe how easy it is to make them happy, so i can't understand how people can be so cruel. i don't think any other animals are ever trewated so badly.

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i only hae a vague notion myself of what goes on because if i ever see pictures of videos i just bawl my eyes out and worry about it :cry: i just cant deal with it. i dont understand how anyone can do that to an animal, especially since, as you said, they are so easy to please . room to move, food, water and some grass and their lives would be imprved so drasticaly.

im blubbing now just thinking about it.


i think that cockerel was put in there by accident but its so cruelly done that no one noticed him. they dont have any use for cockerels in battery farms as far as ive heard.

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:shock: the cockrels slip through as young birds and go unnoticed . no feathers and the eggs drop down so no one knows who has laid what ( or not , as the case may be ) as for other animals being treated this way , pigs arent done very well by in intensive farming , not nice at all . organic pigs are happy pigs .... :D
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Our rescue chooks were quite baffled by their feet - especially looking at the soles of them - and shouted a lot when examining feet - probably crammed in a position they had never seen their feet properly before. Similarly they were all crowded round in confusion and wonderment at the first egg laid once rescued. As a friend said - what kind of society are we when we can allow creatures to be kept in conditions where they do not even recognise parts of their own body or bodily products.

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