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What wormer do you guys use

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I use Flubenvet - a dibble on half a grape every day for a week, repeated every month.


There have been loads of posts on this recently, including a very helpful one on the topic of overdosing (or not). Good to know it won't happen just because one greedy creature has snatched someone else's grape!


I'm sure somene more knowledgeable will be along soon with a more scientific response.

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a dibble


A dibble is an eighth of a smattering isn't it? :lol:


You give it daily for seven days.


I have never got on with the grape method. I always end up overdosing three hens and under dosing the rest. :roll:


I mix it into their feed. 1 tsp per 4 kg of feed.


Feed them treated pellets for 7 days.


There is no egg withdrawla period with Flubenvet.

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I use Flubenvet too. Intend to do it every 4 months as a precaution but recently did it 1 June and again this week (as I had a fall in egg production and just wanted to rule out worms).


I got mine from www.petmeds.co.uk or try www.wormers.co.uk


I use grape method too and use 1 level tsp for my 4 chooks for the whole week and split it up into 7 days (then 4 doses per day).

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What age can you start giving flubenvet? I have 3 22 week olds and 3 12 week olds. Can they all have a dose or should I wait till theyre older? They have no signs of worms so will they be okay?


Hen Watch

1 tsp for 4 hens for the whole week? How on earth can you split that all up?

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