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Bantams Advice Please

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Hi Everyone, you may have seen my earlier posts regarding choosing chickens, suppliers, etc. Well thanks everyone who recommended places, I have been in contact with suppliers and we have found a lovely lady called Anne who has some bantams for sale, we are going to visit on Saturday and reserve some, but I wondered how many bantams do people have in their Eglu's? we have our eglu on order with the run and a converter, we were looking at 3 but wasn't definitely planning on bantams, do you recommend we still stick to 3 or maybe go for 4? the bantams she has are Pekin Bantams (our favs) and Maran Bantams I would love 2 of each but it depends on what you all recommend. I'm so excited I can't wait till Saturday :D


Thanks Kay

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They are small, so you might be able to have 4. Im sure you know :anxious: but just to remind you, bantam eggs are tiny and you might not get a constant supply. But they make up for it with LOADS of personality. :mrgreen:

They are soo funny to watch, and a perfect size for kids. I love them and would have more if they just layed more eggs :lol:

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For bantams you need to allow around 65-80% of the space you would allow for a hybrid, bearing in mind the size of them. Something like a pekin would be 65% whereas a bantam cochin would be likely to require 80%.


Yum-yum, our pekin, is a lovely little bundle of trouble and I later regretted not getting more pekins at the time I bought her. I was worried about their feathery feet (turns out they're not as much of a problem as I thought) and got talked into it by a collaberation of Frank from Thornes and DD aged 4, but I'm glad of it now!

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Thanks for the replies, hubby and I have had a chat and think we are going to go for 3 chooks, just got to decide on whether to have 2 pekin's or 2 maran's any suggestions? I still want four but hubby isn't budging. I so know I will be begging for a cube for my xmas pressie!


Forgot to say yes we know the eggs are alot smaller and fewer but we discussed we want them more as pets with personality than anything else.


I really am so excited, chickens have taken over my life!!

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First - I declare myself as a Pekin Bantam lover - we got 2 ladies earlier in the year, and then hatched more which resulted in 2 boys, which resulted in boys plus girls equals more babies and now we expect more this weekend!!


First - the eggs - My children now ONLY want bantam eggs as they have the same size yolk as regular eggs, meaning less white per egg - very tasty and my cakes I think are better with these eggs. If I MUST have big eggs I get them from my friend with big chooks.


My girls lay almost every day - and have been known to lay 3 between them on one day (we do not know who layed two).


The other thing is that in our house we have a theory that somewhere in the genetics of pekin bantams - there is some labrador dog - the traits are all there - the begging - the following you around for food - wanting to sit under the kitchen table when you sit down for supper - and the gentle loyal friendly nature! Very slightly stupid, but strangely smart at things at other times.


My little group also free range and the garden has not been wrecked - I beleive that pekins are known to be less scratchy.


They can fly - one of my boys was today on the roof of my bungalow!!!


The boys are not very loud - much quieter than a regular cockerel and are not agressive even remotely. I love my boys too - they are great pets and very handsome.


They don't eat slugs though - but maybe that is just my group - a shame really because we have millions of slugs and snails.

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Hi again, just reading your post oatley has made me all excited again, I really can't wait till tomorrow, not sure I will sleep very well tonight! Its not even as if we are bringing them home tomorrow, I really hope I am not disappointed, I have my heart set on these pekins, I keep looking at the ladies website, hehe. Figers crossed we reserve some tomorrow, I am still working on hubby for 4 and getting a converter and and extension as he has been out today and bought a tv, sat nav (have to have it to find chicken place tomorrow is excuse!) and a ps3 yesterday! fingers crossed they melt his heart when he see's them :D:D

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They will!! My hubby went all soppy when we went to choose and the kids didnt help, so we came back with 2 Pekins and 2 Miniature Wyandottes and 4 hybrids. The hybrids were only 8/9 weeks old at the time and therefore followed the bossy Pekins everywhere. Now that they are big girls -guess who keeps them in check...our smallest lavender pekin- Lilly!

They are truly wonderful little characters and will not ruin your lawn.

Also re their eggs; The kids love the little eggs and yesterday we cracked 2hybrid eggs and 2 of lillys to find Lillys yolks were much bigger anyway. Furthermore, she lays 6 days a week at the moment and -believe it or not-has Sundays off!!! :shock:


Good luck with your choice


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Just got home from seeing Anne (the pekin bantam lady) oh my life I so could have bought them all home with me, they were so friendly and really gorgeous, I worried when we got there and she said all the ones we had discussed had been sold yesterday but then she showed me some more she had ready for 2 weeks time, hubby and I choose 3, a lavender, lemon and partridge pekin, I would of loved 4 but going to see and maybe expand when we have got use to the first 3 :) we are picking them up on the 16th I can't wait :)

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Congratulations - you will all love them I just know it.


On the subject of husbands - my husband supposedly "tolerates" me having "my" bantams - but funnily enough - he is the one out there with his coffee first thing, calling them over to share his toast, and worrying about them if he hears funny noises.


Sometimes after work, he bypasses me and the children to say hello to the chooks before he says anything to us!!!! We all tease him becasue he didn't want them originally.

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I haven't had any problems logging on so, might be worth trying again, did have to wait for the email to confirm, I haven't figured out all the different parts yet though.


Yes I did get the email but still wouldn't accept my user name .. I'll have another go!

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