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Item in Metro newspaper

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This nearly made me cry with laughter on the Tube this morning - read here


Metro journalism strikes again - read to the end where it says that ex-batts will still lay 'one to two eggs a day, rather than the three a day needed by farmers to make a profit'. :lol:


I don't think a battery farmer would ever part with a chicken that laid three eggs a day!

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when we first got our girls we were speaking to my BIL's gran and she told us they used to keep chickens and that we should expect about 2 eggs a day from each girl in the summer months.


I queried this and said I'd read that it takes 24 hours for a chicken to form an egg and she said hers used to lay about 2 each a day during the summer.


I didn't want to argue with an 'experienced' chook owner so I just said "oh" :lol:

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:evil: sadly, that's the Metro all over ... quite apart from the hideous grammatical solecisms and typos, their journalism is often superficial and inaccurate.


I don't know why I picked it up this morning, I don't usually read it. Still, it made me laugh!


I just hope this isn't going to encourage more people to get chickens without researching it first though ... they'll be very disappointed when they're waiting for the 2nd egg to appear!

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