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Nasty chicken

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I know chickens will fight between themselves and they establish a hierarchy but one of mine seems to be a big bully.


Since yesterday afternoon the top dog (Kew-kew) has started bullying the other two chickens so much that they wont even come out of the coop. They will occasionally make a mad dash out for food and water, but Kew-kew just attacks them and forces them back inside - she has been strutting about all day like she rules the world.


Ive only had them a week and a bit so Im not sure if this is normal behaviour or not - are they still developing the hierarchy - or is she just plain nasty and heading for the sunday table? (kidding! - im a veggie :) )


Does any have any advice on how to stop her being so nasty?


Thanks in advance

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I would put out multiple food and water containers until things settle down. Hopefully your top chook will not be able to control all areas at all times, and the others will be able to get to the food and water. I have done this with my new ex-batts as the top chook was being very aggressive, and things calmed down almost immediately. Good Luck!

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I would suggest picking her up as much as you can, so that you assert yourself as top chook and not her. It can be pleasant - give her treats etc. You have to sort it out and quickly. It doesn't sound very nice behaviour, but may of course pass when they start laying.

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The advice on multiple feed and water stations is good as she won't be able to guard them all.


I tried the water pistol method on Hyacinth - sitting in the run for hours and squirting her every time she bullied poor Sylvie. Eventually put her in a 'sin bin' (dog's play pen in the big run). I looked out half an hour later to see Sylvie cuddled up to Hyacinth in the pen (no idea how she got in there :eh: ) I don't think chickens see things the same way that we do :?

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I had exactly the same problem when I got mine, after they had settled in one was picking on the others. They wouldn't leave the eglu as she chased then back in as soon as they tried.


After ringing the lady who I got them off, I tried to ensure that the other 2 got some food by locking the naughty one in the eglu for a little while, but I pretty much left them too it and after a couple of days it all settled down, I think it really is the 'pecking order' being established.


All of them get along fine now, although I still think the same hen is the boss.

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:D This is my first post as a new member so hello to everyone. I have three ex-bats in my eglu that were rescued only four days ago by the lovely Ian and Mollie, so I know it's very early days for them. My problem is that the smallest of the three is being beaten up all the time, she rarely comes of the eglu and I'm not sure she's eating much at all. I've tried two feeders and water stations, but she is driven away from them by the other two. These are my first hens so I guess I'm panicking a bit, but could someone advise me how long I should leave things to settle down, or any other suggestions that might help? Thanks in advance.
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Hi Mav, and welcome to the forum. :D Ex bats can feel very insecure when they are first rescued, and this is one of the reasons why they bully the weakest or smallest hen. It should settle down soon, however, like others have said, pick the bullies up. The best way to do this is to lay your hand on their back for a few seconds. This gives out a powerful message that you are top hen. Try to do this in front of the hen who is being bullied. I also used to speak sharply to my bully and move her away from the other hens. I had a problem hen who, after tormenting one of the others, we decided on a plan of action. We put the bully hen Alice into a situation she knew best.....a small place. We kept her in a small box for one hour, then doused her with red mite powder showing that we were the bosses not her. I also fitted a bumper bit, because Alice was causing damage to the other hens. Then, that evening, just after the others had gone into their house but still awake, we put her in, so she was last. This worked for us. I do hope it all settles soon. It's horrible to observe is'nt it? Ex bats who have just been rescued have no idea initially of peaceful decision making. Their only experience has been to look after No 1. It's all so new to them, and insecurity results in them being aggressive. When I first had mine, I used to wonder if, in their minds, they were waiting for something horrible to happen to them, as if they could'nt quite believe that life had just become sweeter for them. After a while, they did settle down. All my five hens are great friends together now, with Annie taking on the role....not so much as top hen but rather...Mother! Good luck. You are doing a really worthwhile thing. You are just picking up the pieces of somebody else's cruelty. The hens will settle soon and love you for giving them a quality life. :D

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Hi, this is my first post on the forum so hello everyone :D .


I'm having an issue with 2 young chickens (3 months old) we aquired from a local farmer two weeks ago.

Our 3 existing chickens (8 months) just keep chasing/pecking them anytime the young chickens get to close.

The new girls arn't even allowed in eglu (cube) at night I have to lift them in every night and they then run into nest box to sleep, I then have to lift them out in the morning.

Lastnight things seem to have taken a turn for the worse! I went to lift my two new girls out this morning and noticed that they had both been pecked to the point where one of them was bleeding on the back of her neck :cry: .

The chickens are left to free range all day, so the little ones just stay as far away from the other chickens as possible.

There is plenty of food and water in several locations so that shouldn't be an issue. Also it isn't just the boss (princess) doing the bullying the other two (snowy & tikka) seem to be just as bad.

I'm at the point now where I think i need to take my new girls back to the farmer, but i just wish that they could all just get on.

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Hi digger


Welcome to the forum


I think your 3month old chicks are a little too young to be with your 8 month olds. They can't really defend themselves against the older birds. You should really wait till they are about 20-22wks before introducing them and then it should be done in a slowly controlled way to prevent more bloodshed.


Take a look at the FAQ on introducing new hens or here should help

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Thanks Mayflower for the calming words and advice. My little bullied girl hasn't been out today at all except to run for a drink and then back in the Eglu. She's off her food and looks quite ropey with very loose poo. I'm hoping it's the stress of the weekend and not that she'll ill. The other two girls haven't laid today for the first time, so I guess the stress is affecting them all. And I thought keeping chickens was going to be relaxing!

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