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My youngest hen Minnie seems to be suffering from diarreah - the majority of her poos are either very loose, or bright yellow. I'm used to the odd curry poo from my other 2 hens, but Minnie seems to be doing more runny ones than normal ones at the moment. She seems to be eating and drinking ok - but is a little quiet today. I'm not sure how old she is - from her photo on the forum, someone suggested about 14 weeks, but she is very small.


Any ideas?





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I'd keep her on just pellets and water for a couple of days, foodwise.


No treats and no greens as they can give them the squits.


If you can add Bokashi Bran to the pellets, it will help firm up the poo a bit and will add beneficial bacteria to her gut.


Probiotic yoghurt will also add beneficial bacteria..


If you can get hold of some Aviopro, that will also help.


It is important that she is drinking as diarrhoea can soon dehydrate a young chicken, and with her being so young she won't have a comb for you to assess for signs of floppiness which would indicate this.

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Thanks ladies,


I think I little trip out to the pet-shop may be required then...during the lunch hour of course! :wink: Ironically I've ordered some bokashi bran etc. and a few first aid supplies from Omlet last week - but sadly it's not turned up yet - I bet it's a Royal mail cock-up :roll:


I think I'll put a stop to the free-ranging for a couple of days to limit the amount of greens etc. she's eating too.




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Hi Jo,


I'd second the suggestion to worm her as this may be what's causing the problem. Verm-X isn't reliable if the hen has an infestation so Flubenvet would be the best option as it is very effective indeed. You can get it online from www.domesticfowltrust.co.uk and http://petfleas.co.uk/acatalog/Pigeon_Poultry.html


Good luck with her. Hope she's over the runs soon.

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