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Guest Poet

what is it with drivers these days!!???

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we've just got back from the feed place where we get our girls' supplies and at one point we were behind a group of 5 teenagers on bikes who were swerving all over the road!


Rather than honk the horn and risk one of them falling off, (maybe right in front of us! :shock:) we slowed down until it was safe to overtake them, giving them a wide berth, as they really were all over the road (idiots!)


Ian said there was a young girl in a car behind us crawling up our bumper so I turned round to see what he was on about and she was shaking her head at us! I couldn't believe it, she must have seen the boys as 2 of them swerved right across our path, onto the other side of the road without any indication of their intentions.


If we'd have had to do an emergency stop, she'd have hit us she was that close!!!


What did she want us to do, mow them down!!!??? Unbelievable! :evil:


I'm not shopping in rush hour again! :roll:

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Its awful isn't it.


Yesterday we travelled home from Southampton Via Bournemouth to Essex and we saw a few things.


On the M25, I was doing close to 70 and it was wet, I saw a total twit on a motorbike all over my back bumper. He was wearing jeans, trainers and a lightweight bomber jacket as well as having a spare helmet over his right arm. I pulled over to let him pass before he killed himself, we had just passed an area of road where there was some debris too - bits of cardboard flying around. He then speeded up to tailgate the next person - on the box on the back of the bike it said "On hire from...."


As we got onto the A13 I again pulled over to let someone pass, I was doing 70 again (dead this time, I had the cruise control on) and this bloke was doing a good 80mph at least, he sped off into the distance then cut right across 3 lanes of traffic WITHOUT INDICATING to make an exit at the absolute last second. James thought it was OK for him to do that as he was DRIVING A POLICE CAR. But he had no lights switched on and was driving dangerously - the cutting across lanes would have been dangerous even if he had been using his "blues & twos". I would have reported him if I'd got his number.


And as for bikes - cant move for them around here at the weekend, very incosiderate most of them even when there are signs telling them to ride in single file, or use the cycle path (they are usually in races) they just ignore them. Oh and their support people think they have a right to park wherever they like - was an interesting argument when we clamped a couple of them in the village hall car park which was packed solid for our village show.

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I get sick of people driving right up my derriere on the A10 around here and then doing stupid and dangerous overtaking to get.....oh, one car ahead! There is a reason I am driving at 40 or 50 and that is there is traffic in front of me also going this speed and I am leaving a safe distance between my car and theirs - which these idiot drivers then pull into :twisted:


And don't get me started on the fools that think that roundabouts are ideal places to try and get in front by going in the wrong lane and then cutting me up.... :evil::evil::evil:


I notice these things more now I have a baby in the car with me. They're not just endangering my life but his too :(

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and it's not just motorists.


I was driving along at about 10 o'clock last night. I was in a stream of traffic with a decent gap in front of me.


A pedestrian decided to walk in front of me, do a twirl and head back to the pavement at his leisure. He was showing off to his mates.


They were all dressed head to toe in black. I nearly didn't see him.

Fortunately I was just tootling along.

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This is a regular occurrence around Leeds University where OH works. The roads are busy and there are loads of parked cars, but there is an invisible 'invulnerability bubble' around the students - they seem to think they can't be struck by a car, however fast it's going when they step out in front of it :roll: !


I've had a few near misses over the years and I know many other drivers who've had the same experience. I have to be very careful what I say when it happens - two boys in the back seat are very quick to pick up on any naughty words that Mummy might blurt out :shock: !

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As regular (sensible) cyclists, DD and I are always getting cut up at junctions by cars turning left, with no consideration for us at all. It's as if we are invisible. Do they not see us? I do wonder sometimes. :roll:


I'm glad there are still some considerate drivers out there like you, Poet. :)

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hi lin


get a cple of high vis vests, might help? Our roads aren't exactly cycle friendly are they!


it wasn't so much that we were being considerate to these eejits, it was more a case of we didn't want to risk running them over! They were so erratic and unpredictable the way they were riding along!


We've had young people step out in front of the car several times and then saunter across the road before now and have had to brake for them! I'm sorry but it's never happened with adults!


We've also had little kids throw stones at the car! :shock:

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