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I have been looking for some bantam hens to add to our flock in the Cheshire, North Staffs, North Wales, etc. and wondered if anyone knew of a sourse I haven't yet tried :?


One lovely lady has pekins and wyandottes but will only sell pairs and trios, and a cockeral is definately a big no no :(


I live in hope we can find some :?


Karen x

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Have you tried looking at a bantam website? Sounds odd I know, but a lot of the breeds have clubs and forum pages. You may be able to find what you're after on there? Bantams are lovely, we recently added one to our 'flock' she is so cute and very soft. Definately a cuddler!

Good luck!

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There is someone over near Hull who specialises in just bantams and advertises in the back of the Practical Poultry Mag.


Is Hull too far?


I'll see f I can find an old copy and will post details later.


**Here you are:


Caths Garden Bantams (wyandottes, Hamburgs and Old Dutch)


Howden, East Yorks.


01757 630 827

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Thanks for all the suggestions folks :D


Eglutine I fed Hull into multi map and it thinks it may be over 2 hours away :? but I might think about it if we can't find any :D


mot336 I hadn't thought of the auctions :oops: Thank you, the next poultry one is at the start of September :D


Tweety, The Wernlas said they didn't have any for a few weeks :? but I might try ringing back and asking for younger hens!


mrsallen08 My daughter has been scouring the bantam websites, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed one of the e-mails gets answered :D


Will let you all know how we get on :D


Karen x

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I live in North Wales and I'm going to shropshire to pick my pekin bantams up.

I tried wernlas but they didn't have any that I wanted. :(

I've got some over places though if you're interested :D


All in shropshire (too far?)


*Poultry UK* - They have pekins, polish, appenzellers, black rock, dutch bantams.


*Wernlas Collection* - They have bantams; pekin, nankin, plymoth rock, dutch, sussex, sebright as well as light fowl and heavy breeds.


*Shropshire Poultry* - They have Pekin bantams.


*Perfect Pekins* - They have pekin bantams, and other breeds although not sure if these are bantams.


*Alison's Poultry* - They have bantams, vorwek, dutch, malaysian serama, sebright, pekin.


And you can always use the for sale/wanted page on *Pekin Bantams.com*


Hope that helps, and Good Luck!


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