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reduction in egg laying - advice please!

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hi there, my 3 ex-batts (who I've had for 8 months now) have for the last 7-10 days noticeably reduced the number of eggs they've been laying. I would usually get 2 eggs a day, occasionally 1 or 3, but recently its just been 1 a day with a few broken shells. I've cut down the treats, am adding in limestone flour and started a course of flubenvet. Is there anything else anyone can think of that I should also do? I don't routinely give them grit as they free range all day every day, and although I used to keep a supply in the run for them they stopped eating it so I don't bother now - do you think I should re-introduce this?

Thanks for your help!

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Hi there :D


We're having the same problem..ours have gone on egg strike! we had none the day before yesterday, one yesterday and none today :? I'm worrying that they're depressed/got worms/etc aaargh they both seem to be eating and drinking okay but Barbara seems as though her comb and wattles have gone paler :?:

The girls have been laying on average 6 eggs a week, so I'm not sure if this is normal (for them to have a rest)

I can't help you i'm afraid but just wanted you to know you aren't on your own..I initially put it down to a change in weather :oops:


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)-Barbara !egg! 28/07/08

(Bluebelle)-Margot !egg! 04/08/08

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I sat the hens on my knee and stroked them backwards (if you see what I mean) so that the feathers were going the wrong way. They are little tan coloured critters, and you will also find clusters of white/grey eggs at the base of the feathers. Have a good look around the vent and under the wings - ooh making me itch just thinking about them!

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I posted this on the egg forum! We have only just had the exbatts but they had been released 6/7 weeks ago by another woman. She said they were laying well, not each every day but like you said 3-5 each a week. Since we have got them to ours last saturday they havent laid a thing!

We did find they had lice really badly. The best way to spot is around the vent. Its ideal if there's two of you if you're not used to this. One to hold, one to look! Apparently that can be a factor with egg production but doesn't explain sudden drop???

Good luck!

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thanks for all the advice, it did cross my mind about maybe they are eating the eggs but being ex batts i do get the occasional broken one anyway and regularly supplement with limestone flour to try and avoid this. however, there has been an increase in broken ones so i will try and keep an eye on them during laying time and see if I can see anyone acting suspiciously! come to think of it, i have been finding the shells and not the actual egg yolk so you might be onto something... how do I stop this if they are eating them? also, what do I do to de-louse them?

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Sounds like you are doing the right thing, more grit, worming, etc. etc.


Just wanted to say this week my lot are giving 1/2 eggs a day from 4 hens. But they are getting all day free ranging whilst I am at home and kids are on schools hols. The naughty girls are grazing and not eating their pellets and this always has a knock on effect for egg reduction for me.

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