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How many chooks in an Eglu??

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My boyfriends mum is thinking about getting some hens and I suggested an Eglu, with it being easy to clean etc but I think she wants to get ex bats and through the BHWT the minimum 'order' for your girls is 3.............would 3 chooks be ok in an Eglu??


I havent seen them in the flesh so Im not quite sure?? :?


They would be in the run some of the time but free range quite alot too I.


Thanks! :)

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I have four girls in mine, and although it was presented that 4 medium girls were ok provided they were allowed to free range. If I had it to do over I would have only gotten 3. Don't get me wrong the girls appear quite comfortable in the eglu and run and I am able to let them free range most days, but upon seeing them in the run (on the days they can't be out) I wish they had more room.

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I work all day, do you think it would be fair to leave three hens in the normal run with the eglu?


I did this when I first got mine. They were ok, but I decided to get the converter as I thought it would be better with some extra space, especially for the winter when they won't get chance to free range in the evenings. The converter does make a big difference.

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Boybeck, I see where you're coming from with the 2 hen thing, but you might find that if and when the inevitable happens and you lose the first one (sorry to be mentioning it before you've even got them :roll: ) you will be left with a very lonely hen and will have to do rapid introductions of a newbie, which would probably be younger and can lead to all sorts of stress for you whilst they sort out their pecking order. Can I suggest you reconsider getting three? Then when it happens you still have a happy pair. :D


Now you just have to choose which types!


Mrs B

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yes, my next mission is to find out where I can buy some hens and what types. I must admit I love the look of those real red "traditional" looking chickens. I'm in Fareham, Hampshire, so if anyone can point me in the direction of a supplier I'd be very grateful. \just over a week to go now until I get my eglu :-)

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Perfect Poultry in Ligh"Ooops, word censored!"er have Rhode Island Reds, they're the sort of traditional red hens, really beautiful, I've just picked up two RIR eggs which my broody is currently sitting on!


Or this place that Greengirl told me about earlier looks good - they're near Salisbury, not used them myself but worth a look.



Enjoy choosing, next - NAMES!!


Mrs b

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