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for the vicar who has everything...

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I just bought one of these for the missus - it's her birthday next week - she's a minister too...


:shock: Not two in the same family :!: Must be something in the water :roll:


Love the Holy Toast :lol:



more than 2 I'm afraid - My (late) father was, and my Father in law is (retired)


I pity our three kids.... :wink:



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They're brilliant. Maybe I'll get some for the vicar's Christmas present, or maybe for friends and Godparents!


Actually I was going to get the Vicar the autobiographical books by Maria von Trapp (if I can find them) as he didn't know the family really existed! :shock: Maria is such a shining example to me that I was horrified to find he didn't know she was real!

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The Brick testament is fantastic - I've used it a few times to illustrate stories for children in church using the data projector - it's amazing how much more interesting the bible is when it's got lego in it!!


My 11yr old son particularly liked the torture scene from the parable of the 2 debtors... so much so he went home and got out the felt-tip pens and the lego set!





oh - and NO! I never let "good taste" get in the way of preaching the gospel - Jesus didn't either - it's one of the reasons people got so mad at him... :wink:



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more than 2 I'm afraid - My (late) father was, and my Father in law is (retired)


I pity our three kids.... :wink:



:shock: Not so much a career choice, more a family business :!:


I hope you send your children to play in the woods with the local coven, just to get some balance in their lives :wink:

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yes, L-J, they do that on Tuesdays... :wink:


I have an ambition to start a proper collection (museum) of religious kitch one day - and there is plenty of it around! - fantastic!


a good place to get an idea for what's what is the Ship of Fools site - it's a GREAT site anyway - but the kitch-gadgets section is a fount of blessings!






Phil :lol:

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Categories for Popes:


Maybe ?

most murderous

longest serving


connected with the most miracles



lengthiest preacher

most multi-lingual


I'd love to know too what they really are and the site doesn't give the categories!

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The pack of cards, currently on sale in Germany, is made by Hamburg-based company Kultquartett and contains 32 popes ranging from Saint Peter to the present German Holy Father Benedict XVI.


It also comes with four candles to add a serene atmosphere while playing.


Players trump each other according to numbers of namesakes, predecessors, years of service and distance from a Pope's birthplace to Rome.



I think your categories are much better Ginette!!



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Categories for Popes:


most murderous Mmmm.. a few candidates for this one!

There were popes who used murder to gain the papal throne, among them Sergius III (904-911), who killed Cardinal Christopher and Leo V to get the pope's job. Callistus II was anther murderous pope. He freed murderers for a price and appointed cardinals for a flat fee – after which he poisoned them to take possession of their goods and to hasten job turn over.


longest serving Pius IX - 31 years (not including St Peter!)


oldest Pope Celestine III, the oldest Pope to ever be elected for he was 85 when chosen. Though many expected him to live only a few years, he surprised everyone and lived until he was 92.


Leo XIII was the oldest Pope at the time of his death. He was 93 years old. Leo XIII awarded a gold medal to a fashionable 19th century cocaine-laced wine called Vin Mariani, the drink that inspired Coca-Cola.


connected with the most miracles too tricky for me to answer!


richest very hard to quantify!


holiest many would say John Paul I - others say JPII - but it's a bit like those polls for "greatest band ever" that gets won by Steps because none of the voters can remember anything before 2002...


lengthiest preacher no idea!


most multi-lingual John Paul II spoke eight languages - that's quite good!




ho hum - someone had to give it a go... didn't they?? 8)



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Thank you Phil, I had missed that line. It doesn't sound very exciting does it? :? Number of predecessors doesn't sound very good. You're not necessarily the best Pope because you're the most recent!

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Categories for Popes:


most murderous Mmmm.. a few candidates for this one!

There were popes who used murder to gain the papal throne, among them Sergius III (904-911), who killed Cardinal Christopher and Leo V to get the pope's job. Callistus II was anther murderous pope. He freed murderers for a price and appointed cardinals for a flat fee – after which he poisoned them to take possession of their goods and to hasten job turn over.


longest serving Pius IX - 31 years (not including St Peter!)


oldest Pope Celestine III, the oldest Pope to ever be elected for he was 85 when chosen. Though many expected him to live only a few years, he surprised everyone and lived until he was 92.


Leo XIII was the oldest Pope at the time of his death. He was 93 years old. Leo XIII awarded a gold medal to a fashionable 19th century cocaine-laced wine called Vin Mariani, the drink that inspired Coca-Cola.


connected with the most miracles too tricky for me to answer!


richest very hard to quantify!


holiest many would say John Paul I - others say JPII - but it's a bit like those polls for "greatest band ever" that gets won by Steps because none of the voters can remember anything before 2002...


lengthiest preacher no idea!


most multi-lingual John Paul II spoke eight languages - that's quite good!




ho hum - someone had to give it a go... didn't they?? 8)



Well done! I suppose you just knew all that off the top of your head! :D


The Medici family were notoriously evil too! (I'm not comparing them to you, just putting them forward in the most murderous category)

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I love it :D


Now do tell how you found it?



Paola - do you mean to say I am the only one to type the words "virgin" and "toast" into Google? I thought everyone did that... :wink:



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