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do some chickens just never lay?

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My black rock has been with us since June, and laid about 5 eggs when she turned 22 weeks ish....but in recent weeks she has laid nothing. She is healthy and happy but just does not lay - I don't mind but am curious as to whether anyone else has experience of a non-layer?? :?

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Has she been overdoing it with the treats?


Have you checked her for lice and mites?


Have she been wormed?


All the above could prevent her from laying.


Why not try confining her to the run for a few days till mid afternoon, so that she eats nothing but pellets for most of the day, and then allow minimal free ranging and one treat before bedtime. That should make sure that she is getting the optimal nutrition required for egg laying.


Have you checked that she is not laying eggs in secret, under a shrub for example?

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thanks Egluntine as always! She is the one who has a massive crop and funnily enough when we were away and they were only let out for a couple of hours in the afternoon she did lay one egg. I wonder whether the crop problem means she digests things more slowly or things can't get into her system? If I confine her to the run should I confine her on her own? Seems a bit mean to keep them all cooped up because of one chicken.... she doesn't have worms or lice but they do free-range in a netted off bit nearly all day..doesn't affect the other 3 though...any bright ideas would be really welcome!

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I find mine are fooled by "pellet porridge"!! If you just mix some pellets with hot water so they all swell up and form a porridge like consistency and give that to them, they'll wolf it down as a "treat" and then you'll know she's getting her pellets.


Mine fall for it every time, and this is when I mix in whatever extras I want them to get i.e. chicken spice, limestone flour or whatever.... :wink:

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great idea, Omletina - have just in fact shut her in the run on her own with a massive bowl of pellet porridge and she has not taken her face out of it! The others are furious as they think they are missing out, bless! Thanks guys - I shall update if and when we have an egg... :)

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