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Adverts- Airbrushing

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Oh, and don't get me onto the one about celebrity mums slimming right down immediately after having their babies.. that is soooo unnatural.


That's the sort of thing that inspired one of my husband's female friends to do 100 sit ups a day after almost passing away giving birth to her baby, so that she could look great on a trip she took to Hawaii (for personal development reasons - yeah right) a few weeks later. But we are talking about someone who left her then few weeks' old baby with her husband in the UK so that she could follow her motivation, life coach guru - well known American speaker.


Around that time, most girls in the circle of friends were spending our days with our precious little babies, and if we had to spend sometime away due to work, returning home with wet patches around the breast area... :oops:


I think the media is all full of lies, visually and otherwise. I'd like to think that the airbrush craze will stop, the same as the 'colouring in and retouching' of photos stopped when colour appeared - everyone had blue eyes and long eyelashes! :lol: I mean, with a minimum knowledge of anatomy anyone can see that it's impossible to have that size tummy and yet fit in there a whole set of lungs, stomach, pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestines etc... :think:


She gets of soap box. :roll:

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when I logged into my hotmail account today this article was featured on the opening page:




I think it shows just how obsessed we have become about how we look and always wanting to look perfect, even without air brushing but hours of hair and make up.


I just wish we were more focused on how people behave rather than what they look like. One of my fabourite images is of Audrey Hepburn when she was working for Unicef. She is in her 60's I think and as beautiful as ever and you can see the all the lines on her face but more to the point you can see how much she cares about the children around her, she is just glowing from being able to do something to help.

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check this out...





roll your mouse over the image to see before and after.


Slightly off topic but I work in the packaging industry and I know all the food NEVER looks like it is when you open the packet. I've seen a lump of meat cloned out of a curry pic because the actual dish only contained 5 lumps. (Mmmm tasty - not :x ) Ladies tights packaging where another persons legs airbrushed to perfection are added to another model, baked beans hand selected so no 'split' ones go in the photo, pork joint 'turned into' beef, down to ice cream photoshoots. (It's actually mashed potato so it doesn't melt under lights)


Never believe anything you see printed in a magazine or on packaging. All fake. :roll:

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I know a lot of you dislike Chris Moyles however the breakfast show team did a number of great articles on body image and the link is here




If you click 'WATCH Moyles Makeover' it really is an eye opener as to what goes on in the fashion industry in terms of airbrushing & photo editing - quite shocking esp for those more vulnerable in society. :shock:


You can find the results of the photoshoot here



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I've been into schools to talk about eating disorders. You can get a pack for schools


With the aid of the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, BodyTalk is being developed in the United Kingdom. It's a workshop designed to help young girls (and boys) understand and deal with feelings about their physical appearance, and learn how "ideal" images of beauty are created. The BodyTalk workshop materials include facilitation notes, surprising facts, activity cards and a DVD that investigates the trickery used to create 'perfect' images. The DVD has been filmed by one of the world's top fashion photographers.


You can explore the BodyTalk workshop materials right here. Try out some of the exercises and register to purchase the complete kit. Alternatively contact the Careline on 0800-085-1548 to get the BodyTalk kit free of charge or download excerts of it from the web - free of charge.


This is done in association with Beat.


Buffie x

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