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a question for anyone who knows about racing

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i have just watched a bit of royal ascot, and they were talking about a horse racing in oz, hong kong, england and the usa. my question is, and i know this is a really daft question, but how do they transport race horses from one continent to another???


i am probably going to get sniggered at for asking this question,(im hard and can take the riddicule) but i wouldn't have thought that giving a race horse sedatives to knock it out would be a good idea.


just curious thats all.

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Yep they do crate them up and ship them in the hold. I used to work for the veterinary team who looked after the godolphin horses, and they were treated better then the humans! They have their own provate planes, with air conditioned holds etc - not like the one you put your luggage in!


The are given a mild sedative - just to take the edge off them - no wobblying about or anything, and then onto the plane. They fly with a team of really experoenced horse people and at least 1 vet.


The Godolphin horses are flown out to Dubai every winter then back to the UK.


The vet I used to work with, flew to Hong Kong for a week to accompany a horse that was running in a race over there. and then onto Oz with the same horse.


I've never heard of a horse being put to sleep on a plane, they don't tend to go loopy, as it is just like they are in there normal stable. Considering how much money the horses are worth (the ones that fly to different races will be in exfcess of 1 million pounds) - I seriously doubt they would ever kill one, maybe sedate it a little bit so it was comftable, again with full veterinary supervison.



Having worked in the industry - the media completely makes things up which really annoys me. The horses are so well looked after you weouldn't believe it.

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