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Mutant Artichoke!!

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I have been growing Artichokes for three years now, mainly for the foliage as it looks amazing in the border, but this year i have ten massive fruits the giggest is nine inches wide :shock:


I cant say i get to excited by the flavor but i would like to keep it,dry it out and maybe use it as a decoration, has anyone ever tried this before i tried last year but the results were not brilliant, i dry alsorts of other things upside down like lavendar, herbs and bay etc with no probs......any ideas?



edit, just moved this topic to the Self Sufficient thread, where more gardeners will see it - claret

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Lucky you Hannah!

We used to grow artichokes very successfully on our allotment, and transplanted 2 plants to our garden when we gave the allotment up. Since being moved it took them 4 years to flower again!


Last year we left our single head for the bees and because it looked so beautiful, but this year we're going to eat the two central heads in the hope that we may get more side shoots.


I think they're the most wonderful vegetable to eat fresh - never the same if they're tinned or frozen. I have a particularly delicious recipe for preserving them to eat, which I could pass on, but I've never tried drying them for decoration!

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