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beach chick

dustbath user questions!

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(well, not for the direct users, the chooks, but for those who supply a dustbath!!)


my girls are inside 50m of elec fence. when they were totally freerange I never bothered with a dustbath because they always made their own in the flower beds (hmm...).

anyway, we moved them into the field and I decided to give them a 'proper' dustbath in an old wooden trug, which was too small and tended to fall over all the time. I've upgraded this today, with a big plastic garden potting tray - nice and wide, about 6" high, quite stable.


so far I've put old potting compost and diatom in it - they're happy with anything.

do I really need to add play sand?


basically they chuck it everywhere, and seem to go in even if it has been raining and is hence a mud bath rather than a dust bath.


do you just resign yourself to the fact that it will all be spilt and keep refilling, or am I missing a trick somehow?

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I have a large blue plastic trug about six inches deep which I half filled with mainly some compost that I had left over and a smaller amount of playsand. The girls love it and even though they free range within 50m of poultry netting I quite often see all four of them squished in their bath.

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