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Lawn Damage

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I think it really depends on the chickens and the size of your garden.


My chooks really don't do alot of damage to the grass or plants, but they do free range over a decent sized area, perhaps if the area was smaller I would notice more damage.... :think:


Some people post that they have no garden left, but mine really aren't that bad... :D

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Our whole run and eglu is on the lawn, we move it every week. They appeared to have trashed where we put them in the first week we had them, (look at the pictures on the website in my signature), but it turns out it was just a very mossy part of the lawn and they had helpfully dug all the moss out for us. A quick rake and one week on it has recovered.


When they free range for a few hours a day, they leave the lawn alone. They go for the areas around trees and under hedges where they can make good dustbaths. Mine have a couple of these favourite spots now and leave all the other areas alone, really don't seem bothered with my plants! Just want to roll in the dust, or in this weeks case, mud!


My husband is very posessive of his lawn, and has now started picking where they move to every week depending on where has the most moss. He has turned from complaining about them to using them to help him keep his lawn in better condition.

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this is coming up to the worst time of year for lawn damage (autumn/winter)


If you have a small lawn and your hens free range a lot then they will damage it by scratching it up and turning it into mud. You can get around this by screening/fencing it off for the winter and allowing your hens back on it in spring.


Or fence it off altogether permanently and only allow the hens their own little area.


We had to returf this spring as our girls damaged the lawn last winter. :roll:


Dont let it put you off chickens though, there are lots of ways around it and doesnt spoil your hen enjoyment. :D

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