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Guest Debs13

A solution to the SE water shortage?

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I've got an idea. :idea:


Why don't they get down to B&Q and buy loads of those 99p orange buckets and scatter them all over the Welsh hills to catch rain water, then form a human chain to pass the buckets from Wales to the source of the Thames in Gloucestershire(?), then tip the water into the river so that it gets carried to London, then they can chuck the buckets into the river so that they'll float down to London, meanwhile the people in the chain will make their way to London to get the buckets out of the river when they arrive and fill them with the water and make another human chain to pass the filled buckets to the reservoirs across SE England.


Water shortage? Sorted!



Richard T

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:lol::lol: Very good, Richard T, could we get you to organise it?

Sadly, Thames Water would have no idea what to do if the bucket had a hole in it...

Also, although it makes sense to let the river flow it's course, then take out the water, our local pumping stations take water out of beautiful chalk rivers much further up than necessary, so we soon have ex rivers in a pitiful state, but sometimes full reservoirs :roll:

PS. Could we use purple buckets?

PPS. Thanks for the link, Debbie. :D

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PS With purple buckets would we need purple rain?

8) Yes please, I'll hum, you sing.

I think there may be another hole in your bucket....

How would all the people be transported into London to collect the buckets? Too many people, not enough transport.

Then, they couldn't stay over & put extra demand on the water supply. Someone might suggest building new houses here for them... :twisted::evil:

Plus, think there might be a health & safety isuue with bad backs & hand blisters, or worse....my boss made me carry a bucket of water, and I slipped, and spilled the water, and was soaked...but I claimed £1000.00!

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To get all the people to London, they could rope empty buckets together to make rafts and float down the river. And because this operation would mainly take place in the rainy months it could use the hordes of eastern european fruit-pickers (who wouldn't be picking fruit in the rainy months), and they are used to hand-blistering, back-breaking work, and living 50 to a tent.


Or maybe we could get support from the Prince's Truss.


Purple rain-ah,

Pu-u-u-rple rain ..... ah"



Richard T

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Or maybe we could get support from the Prince's Truss.


Richard T[/i]


er.... you can if you want :? - I'll give that one a miss thank you :lol:


Why can't they just manage the water they do have properly - and leave ours alone :twisted:


no need for a poll - you know purple will win :lol:

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Why can't they just manage the water they do have properly - and leave ours alone :twisted:


Are you referring to the people or the Water Company?


I'd just like to point out very politely that I am managing well with the water we are allowed. My car is quite dirty now and I have a lovely new hose which I haven't used. Apart from those two things, the water drought doesn't affect me. I don't need to siphon any water from anywhere! I water my garden with the washing up water and the chickens' water which I empty out and refill each evening. My new herb garden is thriving and I have some pretty flowers. The grass is still green. :D :D :D


What are they talking about? :roll:

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Same here, Ginette, I can't cut down because I treat clean water as a precious resource, so I don't have anything to miss.

But, I believe Lesley was referring to the water companies, since torrents of treated water are lost because of leaking pipes. The warnings always home in on the wrong thing. I don't think my overfilling my kettle for a cuppa is going to cause a shortage (not that I do :wink: ). But, the council contractors hosing disgusting bedding plants on a traffic island, at noon in 30 degrees is just sickening. Imagine how many cups of tea that used! I saw this today, and apart from the water, why am I paying for a high maintenance island? (some drought resistant shrubs would do). The perimeter is a hedge which looks pretty, so the other plants can hardly be seen unless you specifically look. Oh help, I'm Victor Meldrew now, but it was unbelievable.

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I would be outraged too. Our council decided not to have any hanging baskets etc on high streets or anywhere. I haven't looked at roundabouts, but will do now!


Too hot for me today and tomorrow I have to walk through Brighton. I am going to be so miserable! :(:(

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Thank you Sheila - I did mean the Water Companies. They continue to waste so much water whilst making record profits (- according to the newspapers of course :wink:)


We also have inappropriate bedding displays here in Stratford - everything for the tourists here :evil::(

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