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Minnie the Moocher

Random Acts of Kindness

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I've quite often chased people out of shops with things that they've left behind at the till :lol: I once hunted a lady down in the supermarket carpark to give her a chicken she'd left - poor woman looked scared to death until she realised what I was doing! :oops::lol:


I've also stopped a few women leaving the ladies loos with toilet paper stuck to their shoe or their skirt tucked into their knickers :lol:


In the supermarket the other day I found a baby sock and looked around until I spied a baby missing one...unfortunately he was also missing a shoe as well but no idea where that had got to!!! :lol::roll:

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I caught the bus to the local shops last weekend and an elderly lady with a walking frame on three wheel wanted to get off the bus. She tried a couple of times but unfortunately she couldn't get up from her seat, so I helped her to her feet and out of the bus.


Being able to offer someone a RAK is something that makes you smile inside! :D


I hope the opportunity presents itself for you. :dance:

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I did it!

A man in a Pay and Display didn't have quite enough change for the machine, so I gave him a coin to make up the difference and save him asking for change.


He looked a bit suspicious at first, but he was smiling a lot when I left. All that for 10p!


I don't make new year resolutions, so I've made up my mind to commit a RAK once a week, in the hope that they'll pass it on. Call it my September Resolution.

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We visited Windsor Castle on Saturday and followed a group of Japanese tourists in. OH saw an entrance ticket fall to the floor, picked it up and handed it back to them.


Son has been smiling at all the new Year 7 pupils in his form group (he's Year 10 but they have mixed year form groups) to help them feel less scared of the big kids.

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I've committed two that stick in my mind.

One was a purse that I found - completely empty apart from a piece of paper with a note with window measurements on it for net curtains, and a pass for a social club. I took the purse to the social club and enclosed a £5.00 note.

The other was on the way to work in the centre of town, I saw a man on a bench who looked very down on his luck, he was not begging though. I also gave him £5.00. The look on his face was worth a million pounds.

When I've lost my temper, I remember my random acts of kindness and think I'm not a bad person, just a ratty one sometimes.

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