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one REALLY plucked chicken....what could it be?

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I've read the chciken health section and in my very novice chicken keeper opinion it doesn't seem like any of the things mentioned.



We have 8 hybrids and they've all gone through a bit of a threadbare phase but while the others are getting fluffy and fully feathered again, one seems to be getting worse.


Just this week her legs have been plucked almost bald, her chest and backside are bald. Completely bald.


The poor thing looks awful.


I've wormed them, spayed them all with the stinky pine tar stuff and tried to keep them entertained( :? ) to stop the boredom but she still seems to be getting plucked.


I don't think its just the other chickens as they'd have to pin her down to get to the underneath, and I can't imagine her neck is bendy enough to get to all the areas....



What else could it be?


Is she going to be bald forever?

Its getting chilly in the evening now and she'll freeze to death at this rate.



Thanks in advance for any idea.

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Have you checked her for lice and mites etc? .....Although if she has them then they probably all would. I'd be inclined to treat her with some Xeno 200 *not licensed for use on poultry in UK to be on be safe side.


What are you feeding them on? Too many treats will crowd out the optimum nutrition provided by good quality layers pellets and so she could be missing out on adequate protein. Are the others preventing her from feeding?


Have you observed the others pecking at her?

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Thnaks for the replies.


I have checked them all for mites etc, and there wasn't any sign.


I also watched them and one in particular does peck more than the others so on advice from the farm I sprayed them all with pine tar except the pecker in teh hope that she would "learn a lesson by being pecked". I'm not sure if it worked but

all the others do seem to be getting their feathers back...just this one who is losing more.



They have layer pellets in the run and whatever else they find in the garden when free ranging. The only treats they get are corn and veg scarpes and an occasinional a bit of bread to get them all back in the run in evening.



Could she be doing it herself so such an extreme level?

and if she is, how do I stop it?

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Is she sore as l was told about metanium used on babys. l have been using it.Over a few days any soreness will go.ITS NOT LICENSED FOR CHICKENS THO.You can buy it from boots or morrisons it cost around £2.98.Its brilliant mi chicken could not even sit she was so sore l have noticed you have to keep some about but im sure if she could speek she would tell me shes feeling better.Her skin was so sore it was hot and KFC would have liked her in there bargin buckets.





(cube green)GNR(Bluebelle)(white chicken)GNR(white chicken)GNR


(green eglu)(white duck)(duck)(white duck)(duck)(white duck)(duck)



(green eglu)(brown guinea)(white guinea)



and lots of !eggspeck!!egggreen!!eggwhite!!eggcream!!eggblue!!egg!

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Is she sore as l was told about metanium used on babys. l have been using it.Over a few days any soreness will go.ITS NOT LICENSED FOR CHICKENS THO.You can buy it from boots or morrisons it cost around £2.98.Its brilliant mi chicken could not even sit she was so sore l have noticed you have to keep some about but im sure if she could speek she would tell me shes feeling better.Her skin was so sore it was hot and KFC would have liked her in there bargin buckets.

that was me, I used it on me(won't go to any details here :oops: but was amazed myself. gone by morning!

I found "things" in the straw I was using too.

got rid of that and that helped too.

(until I hert her myself poor love) :oops: (don't want to try to put it on till her body is less sore :oops::(

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What can I use instead of straw?



Also how can I supplement her diet without the others?

We have a big garden so some of them are still very skitty and never come near me/us so to try and make sure its just her who gets the goodies will be difficult.




How long do feathers take to grow back?

We live right by the sea and there has been a noticable temp drop over the weekend in the mornings so I'm worried she'll suffer....

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Sounds like a bad moult, my poultry farm guy recomends Growers mash/pellets for moulting birds, helps them to bulk up and shove a bit of poultry spice in there too. They love that. How long has she been like that for .. Moults can take a few weeks and then a few weeks for it all to grow back.. Has she stopped laying ?


It looked like a massacre in my chook area when Eggy started moulting.


Good luck

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