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Can anyone advise what these bantams are?

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Can anyone advise what these are? These two are about 20 weeks old and started laying about 2 weeks ago.









These two are younger, they are only about 16 weeks, the gold one is really friendly, she'll happily perch on your arm or hand!








All we know is the breeder my parents got them from (they have the other 20 or so!) was trying to breed a specific chocolate colour and any that didn't work were disposed of at day old. I'm probably going to sell some as I have eggs due to hatch at the inky at the moment and need to reduce the numbers so it'd be good to know what they are so I can advertise them!


Thanks. x

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Claret, you are right, whilst the wyandotte typically has a rose comb, it is a dominant gene so sometimes you have a throwback to the recessive single comb gene due to single combed birds in their ancestry.


However, if they were first generation wyandotte crosses, you would expect to hatch rose comb birds that carry the single comb recessive gene. If one of these birds was then crossed with another single combed bird the result should be 50/50 rose combed/single combed birds.


They do have a very wyandotty shape though!

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Partridge is a colour type where the background is tan or brown with a double black lacing.


Looking at those, you have a silver pencilled, partridge (which is another name for buff laced) and gold pencilled; very pretty birds. I used to have a silver pencilled wyandotte myself...






I am really fond of wyandottes and would have a whole flock of them if I had the room.

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