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Our First Ducklings!

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We do think about Quail sometimes - but both birds for meat and the eggs are so small - and I'm so lazy :roll:


If Mindy sits on eggs again, we will let her.


We do have a market for our duck eggs - I sent Carl with a box of 6 today.

Duck eggs - 25p each. I just don't like them :?

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We do think about Quail sometimes - but both birds for meat and the eggs are so small - and I'm so lazy :roll:


If Mindy sits on eggs again, we will let her.


We do have a market for our duck eggs - I sent Carl with a box of 6 today.

Duck eggs - 25p each. I just don't like them :?


Apparently quail can be kept in rabbit hutches, and at the Domestic Fowl Trust in Honeybourne they keep them in rabbit hutched there too. So I think if you could get a cheap one, it would be worth while, I've read that they are pretty low maintenance. Sometimes I even consider them myself! :lol: The meat may be little but it tastes divine.


Plenty more dinners then if you let Mindy sit and hatch. Do you have a girl amongst the lot you have now? When(if she lives that long) will she start to lay?


25p each is quite cheap, add another 5p each! :wink: Would you ever sell them as Fertilised Eggs for hatching to other breeders?



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