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Musical eglus

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Originally I had 2 hens in one eglu, lost 1 of them and got 2 more. All 3 slept happily together.


In February, I got a second eglu for introducing more hens and added 2 silkies to my flock. Once the introductions were done, all 5 of them slept in one eglu and the other was empty, except for egg-laying.


In July, I got 2 10-week Araucanas. They were kept in the second eglu and run for several weeks until they were old enough to introduce. This has now been done, so I currnetly have two eglus and seven hens.


This is where the fun starts. Since they are now one integrated flock, they have the choice of where to sleep. I had imagined that either that the older 5 would still sleep together and the "babies"would be in their own familiar eglu, or they would all try and pile into one eglu. Absolutely not! It hasn't been the same 2 nights running! Last night, for example, I had Muggle, Violetta, Gabriela and Toffee in one eglu and Scully, Squib and Treacle in the other.


I've decided to make a log and see if a pattern emerges. Is that sad? :oops:

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Well I think it's an interesting point, and worth keeping records on to see if a pattern emerges!


Really must set up a spreadsheet to record the egg weights, much more space efficient than the diary I have started, after all in 10 years time I could have a whole shelf of diaries!


Can I be a chicken saddo too please?

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we've got a similar 2 eglu set up, but ours are pretty consistent: 3 'big' girls (Paris, Chardonnay and Sugar) in one - all laying; and then Meringue, Crunchie, Muffin (all laying) and Crumpet - waiting to lay - and Apricot (cockerel) in the other.

but they do chop and change on who LAYS where!!

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