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Ain't Nobody Here

So sad, need a hug

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Big Hugs from me - you have had one hell of a year and, as previously said, this was the straw the broke the camels back. Don't feel bad about crying - it's your minds way of cleansing and a step that needs to be taken.


Love and Hugs

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A friend suggested it might be a reaction to all the rubbish things that have happened to me this year. I don't know if that's likely or not.


I agree with others that this is quite likely given the awful time you've had over the last few months. Doesn't make it any less real though. I hope you feel better soon hon. *hugs*

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Have a huge hug from me too. So sorry to hear of all your sadness this year. Hug your children and OH they keep you needing to survive and be strong. I still hug YS every day and say thank you that he is still here... it could have been so different. Take heart good days will come again.x

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