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Will it help to get up before chooks start bokking?Any idea?

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Hi, some of you might remember that I am trying very hard to make my girls quiet in the mornings since hubby is seriously worried about them waking up our neighbours.


We have tryied covering eglu with tarpaulin and closing their door and that worked so that they are now bokking about 40 later then before tarpaulin days (today at 7.40am). However as we get up at 7.45am, hubby sais that if they wake us up, they probably wake our neighbours up too (makes sense) :?


Now, there is not many things I haven't tried but I wonder if it could help if I got up every morning, lets say, at 7am and let them out before they start bokking. I am worried that they will just get used to the clock and will start making noises that early or even earlier after a while. What do you think? Do they have such sense of inner clock as other, more inteligent, animals such as cats?

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if i were you, i'd take a box of eggs to the neighbours and just ask them outright if the girls are causing them any problems with noise. You might be surprised to find that they probably can't hear them and if there is a problem, you've been proactive, which your neighbours will appreciate and you can then try putting your plan into action.

I'll bet though that they haven't heard them.

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Poet - I think you might be right..however, we have loads of neighbours since we are completely surrounded by houses - what you see is from our window and our house is identical http://bjrn.net/gallery/Garden-and-shed/DSCF3002 . But I suppose that somebody would compain already, I hope. We do not want to be the hated neighbours.


Egluntine - that occured to me too :? ..this was hubby's angry idea this morning when he was woken up.


Also, we are going to have a little baby in January and do I really want to be getting up because of baby several times in the night and then because of the chooks too :? I just thought that if that worked, I am happy to put up with that, but do not want to train them to be noisy even earlier then before.

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well, just speak to your immediate neighbours, then you can guage if there's an issue. Keep the immediate neighbours on side ;) ours have had eggs and some rhubarb from the garden :lol:


We have dble glazing and I can only hear the girls if the window is open, it's like that advert with the helicopter and the Everset dble glazing man! If your neighbours have dble glazing then you're laughing! :D

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well, just speak to your immediate neighbours, then you can guage if there's an issue. Keep the immediate neighbours on side ;) ours have had eggs and some rhubarb from the garden :lol:


We have dble glazing and I can only hear the girls if the window is open, it's like that advert with the helicopter and the Everset dble glazing man! If your neighbours have dble glazing then you're laughing! :D



Yes, we are actualy getting double glazing very soon. Maybe our chooks are just misunderstood as they are probably helping to fight the climate change by pushing our neighbours into swapping too :-D

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just been nosing at your garden transformation photos, you've done a great job there. What are you growing next? :D


Thank you :) I totaly forgot to take more pics of this year, but to be honest it was rather poor cropp. Next year, it will be plenty of tomatoes (they are so easy to grow), beans, pea, cucumbers and possibly some rocket probably for the chooks as they ate it throught the fencing anyway :lol:. I love my autum raspberries though. They are fab :drool: . I always have to pick them before I let girls free range since they do massive leaps to get to them :evil:

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My guess is you would have had moaning neighbours by now. I think that dropping eggs in at the neighbours is a great idea unless you live where you do.. your chooks couldn't produce enough!!!...


I also don't think 7.30 is too bad. You will be hypersensitive to there noise, I'm sure it hardly registers on your neighbours radars... plus i imagine most of them are greatful for an interesting view from there windows, looking out on a beautifully tended garden with chooks roaming around. A little taste of the country.


I have to say I'm really impressed with your garden transformation too.. a real litttle oasis. Good luck with all your growing.

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Thank you all, I did not expect such nice words. I am blushing now :angel:


As you see, I love veg growing and only wish that I had a larger garden. My ultimate dream is to have a green house, but no space here unfortunately :pray::D


Girls were as good as gold this morning, I got up 15 mins earlier (not deliberately) then usual. :wink:

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Your Garden is lovely and about the same size as mine

I am a middle terrace,houses out the back of mine too :!:

so our conditions are about the same

I have 7 girls and I have had no complaints

I bet your cats annoy people more especially if like mine

they use neighbouring gardens as there toilets :oops:


As eggypeggy said your neighbours probably enjoy looking on to

your everchanging garden complete with the chooks

a little oasis and a reminder of country living :)


If its a real worry for you its far better to broach the subject

with your neighbours than worry about them complaining

which would you rather if in there shoes :?:

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I suspect you are more sensitive about the Bok, Boking than your neighbours probably are, I think that even if you cover them up they can still hear the birds and this also sets them off thinking its time to get up.


Have you spoken to your neighbours at all to see if they have heard anything, you may be worrying about nothing. I think you will find that people are much less sensitive to a 'natural sound' than they would be about loud music and parties.


Its also good advice about offering some eggs, you could encourage them to have their own girls too which would be even better.

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