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Fattening up my girls (not for eating, I hasten to add!)

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My poor girls have been quite poorly - with coughs, colds, worms and lice. They are now recovering but the weight fell off them, particularly with the worm infestation.


I am feeding them spaghetti, christmas cake, sultanas......all the stuff that is usually a late afternoon treat in moderation. Forget the layers pellets for a while (no eggs, just to give them a rest) Has anyone got any other high-calorie foods that I can feed them in the short term? As soon as they are well - it has to be back to a more discplined diet. for now though, I just want them nicely plump and happy.


The vet was amazed when I told her all the things I give them as treats: spinach, grapes, tomatoes. She said that her diet isn't as good!

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I noticed that mine are all a little bit on the scrawny side at the moment. There have recently been wormed, 3 are moulting too, so I am giving them extra corn in the afternoon as that will fatten them up. The eggs are coming - every now and then - but their health is more important.


They still get their pellet porridge in the afternoon, mixed with some porridge oats for the Winter. Daft aren't I?



Good luck with yours Henhnf

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Glad to see someone else asking this question :) My bunny is only 2lb and needs fattening up, she seems to burn it off as fast as she can eat it! i shall try the fattening treats, im already giving her growers and chick crumbs... i just hope she can eat the treats before the others steal them off her!


What type of cat food is good? :? i detest the smell of the stuff at the best of times lol

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No other suggestions I'm afraid, between you all you've covered all my usual suggestions, but I'm fascinated that you're feeding your girls Christmas cake :shock::lol::lol::lol: . Do they like it......and is last years leftovers or you getting ready for this year early 8) . I remember mine eating mince pies one Christmas....they did seem to like them, but to be honest mine seemed to eat pretty much anything, except slugs :x .


Good luck with fattening them up, they sound like very lucky chickens to have you taking such great care of them :D:D

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