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I finally got my N96

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After waiting for what seemed like months I finally got my N96 today! I'm already pleased with the things it does better than my N95 did, surprised at a few of the things I didn't know it did and convinced it beats the pants off an IPhone - It certainly does for what I want from a phone, my boss has an IPhone and he said I would definately be disappointed with the camera on it as he's already seen how much I use my camera.


So I've had a lovely geeky evening and now whilst reading the forum I've turned off the 42" telly in the corner so I can watch TopGear on a 2 1/2" screen!


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Ooooooooo -I was going to pm you this weekend to see if you had one yet 8)


I am a big N95 fan - I adore & love my phone, & if the N96 is EVEN BETTER then I am really interested in getting one.


So, tell me, how is it better than the N95 (& be as geeky as you like, I am a gadget fan too :wink::lol: )

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Oooo nice! I wondered whether to wait & get one of these, but I ended up getting a Samsung Tocco in Aberystwyth whilst away & I'm very pleased with it (it's pink & girly). I just wanted a girly phone this time, instead of an MDA.

Hubby has been looking at the N96, but after getting his T3 magazine, he is waiting for the N85, which is out in a few weeks time - it has something else fancy on it - I can't remember what.

N96 looks nice though & to have BBC iplayer on it is ace - I just wish a phone would do ITV catch up, so we could watch corrie! :lol:


Congrats on the new phone - if you are anything like me, it will be messed with all night & by morning you will know everything it does! :D



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OK I've


Copied everything off my MP3 player onto it

Downloaded some progs from IPlayer - AMAZING picture quality!

Posted to my blog a few times

Changed my facebook status (mid lesson!) a lot

Uploaded to Flickr

Read a lot of emails

Set up a couple of wireless networks to work with it


Sorted out all my ringtones etc.


Today I even made some calls and sent a few texts! TBH I don't do a lot of calls or texts as more of my friends are online than offline.


Gonna try and get to grips with GPS tomorrow.


Convergent technology is a real thing of mine - I'll use this in lots of lessons (NOT just to update my facebook status when year 10 won't shut up!)

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Changed my facebook status (mid lesson!) a lot


Convergent technology is a real thing of mine - I'll use this in lots of lessons (NOT just to update my facebook status when year 10 won't shut up!)


Ahhhhh, so thats why year 10 didn't believe you when you said you were updating your status :lol:


It sounds great.Wish it came in pink though.

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Craftyhunnypie im getting the Tocco too - just got the call from phones 4 U today to say that I can update and I jumped at the chance lol! I WANT THE PINK ONE! they have a bit of a stock problem so theyr going to call and let me know tomorrow when they'll get the next batch! woo

sooo excited!!


What do you think of it? are you finding it fun and easy to use?


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