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The Managing Director

help needed with getting red wine out of clothes

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Hi folks, gosh there are a daunting number of little red arrows when I logged on, don't know where the time has gone don't think I'll ever manage to catch up but have seen the pictures of Ginas new baby so thats the important things done


So apart from having to tell you all that Murdo has without any consultation decided to order a purple eglu (see he did learn something ) we need some help


my poor sister in law has had to work in Madrid this weekend (in a non airconditioned office because they turn the aircon off at the weekend!!) she finally got to go to lunch at 5 o'clock and was sitting there in her brand new pale cream patterened silk and cotton skirt when she suddenly realised the waitress had deposited a carafe of red wine over her !!


she unfortunately immersed the dry clean only skirt in water and has now tried dousing it with white wine to no effect, has anyone any other ideas for getting red wine out of clothing??


would you believe it the Chief Assistant is now having hysterics because she doesn't want a purple eglu!!! better go pour some oil!! :?:?

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Hi M-D,


there's a whole page of suggestions here - have you got any hydrogen peroxide?? 8)




and some british ones here:




(The brute force method is where you cut out the stained part and burn it!)


or.. (I found elsewhere...)


Old Method


1. Mix one teaspoon of a mild pH balanced detergent (a mild non alkaline non bleaching detergent) with a cup of lukewarm water

2. Blot

3. Mix one tablespoon of household ammonia with a half cup of water

4. Blot

5. Mix one teaspoon of a mild pH balanced detergent (a mild non alkaline non bleaching detergent) with a cup of lukewarm water

6. Blot

7. Sponge with clean water

8. Blot




we haven't seen Murdo about for a while - is he OK? (ordering a purple eglu?? :wink:)



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we haven't seen Murdo about for a while - is he OK? (ordering a purple eglu?? :wink:)



Is he feeling a bit off-colour? :wink:

Suggest you need all 3 eglus......

OH has worked out my plan for adding eggs under a broody (Susannah) next year will result in more chickens and needs winning over still.

Nice to see you on forum again, it must be about 2 months. Hope things are OK with you and Murdo.


P.S. Not sure about the hydrogen peroxide, that's bleach isn't it :?

There are some products specific for stains e.g. stain devil range, or maybe dry cleaner could help?

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yeah - I thought it was the stuff you bleach your hair with (I did that once - youthful exuberance... :roll:


It is mentioned in that Murican link I gave - as "Patty's Formula" - only in America are people actually called "Patty"!


as follows:


Patty S. initially wrote us saying .. This is absolutely foolproof for any laundered items! Mix Dawn dishwashing liquid soap with hydrogen peroxide...then pour on the stain and let sit as a presoak. Neither of these ingredients works by itself. You must use BOTH. You'll actually see the red wine disappear as you drizzle the mixture on a stain! I have used it to take major red wine stains out of ALL clothing and table cloths (regardless of the color of the item). I have used it on old dried stains and stains that were laundered, bleached and subsequently turned "yellow". OLD, old stains have been successfully removed.



but not many of us have hydrogen peroxide lying around - do we? maybe they do in America...





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Not a cool new image then Phil? :?

I love the random websites you find :wink:



:lol: I used to have hair that could be bleached - now (errr...) it's not so easy!!!!


the small (but very important) islands of hair that I do have are no1 buzz-cut and are more likely to see a bottle of grecian2000 than hydrogen peroxide (though I have so far resisted!!)



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Cleaning grade hydrogen peroxide kind of fizzes the stain away (hopefully) but check the material first as it is quite a harsh cleaner :shock:


The only other thing I can think is salt to draw it out (probably to late) or brute force (probably too harsh) :?

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